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Celebrating our Berner Veterans

In Loving Memory of


Eaglecap's Hunt for Red October (Red)

March 18th 1998 to October 29th 2010

Owned by Jammie Harvey

Bred by Ray & Pat Burgett

This Berner had a double recessive gene for a red coat

Jammie handling her boy Copper, in 2001
(Thank you to George Utermohle for sharing this photo from the 2001 BMDCA National Specialty)

"It is with a deep sadness that we write this post today. Copper was laid to rest today in the dog plot behind our hay barn. He is along side his Father, Mother and Grandmother.

This last year has been very hard on him and his owner Jammie (our granddaughter) and her Mom & Dad, Connie & Kevin, felt it was his time. He had been getting around basically on three legs for some time, Over all health has been good but the past few months he had started going down hill mobility wise real bad. It required a sling to help him up and down the steps to go out and potty and enjoy the fresh air and sun shine.

He was Jammie's 4-H dog, a great soccer player as that was his favorite outside toy, He loved everyone he meet and had the best Berner Bump of any Berner if he felt you were not giving him enough attention.

I hope Sherman understands the Copper is really a Berner when he crosses the Rainbow Bridge,

Ray & Pat Burgett
NE Oregon"

Happy 12th Birthday, Copper!


August 16th 2010 - a new pic added here with thanks to Ray and Pat Burgett

Copper, his litter mates and Pat, May 1998

Copper October 2010

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