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Celebrating our Berner Veterans

In Loving Memory of

Liesl (aka Sweet Lily)

Bernhaven’s Liesl

May 14th 2002 to July 2nd 2015

Proudly owned and so much loved by Leland & Jean Smith and family

In her younger years, “Liesl the Diesel” ran on diesel fuel, but now she runs on low-octane gas! Sweet Lily is always first in line for a hike in the Colorado mountains and is quite the ambassador for the breed on our outdoor adventures. After three successive surgeries for a hematoma on her ear, she made an executive decision to let her hair go stark white, but we all agree that her new “do” just adds character to our character!

Liesl will be 11 in less than a month, and we’re very excited to have her participating in the Parade of Veterans at the 2013 National Specialty this year.

Sweet Lily is celebrating her 12th birthday. I think she must have personally requested this late season snow storm, because she gets a gleam in her eye and a spring in her step when the snow starts to fall.

Jean, Lee, and Katie Smith's Liesl hiking pain free to her heart's content...

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