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Longlease Bernese Mountain Dogs

In Loving Memory of


August 15th 2005 to February 10th 2015

B-G Dog ID = 28119

January 30th 2015 - Pixie suddenly limping very badly not putting any weight on her back R leg!
Our vet called in earlier for a home visit! She is such a stoic, he poked and prodded, found some swelling on the stifle and she will go in on Monday for x-rays! On Metacam now and much easier!

February 2nd 2015 - To the vet this morning, call with the results was to say that my girl has a highly aggressive and painful tumour and should they simply euthanise without bringing her round?

Duh!!!! Sorry but I couldn't just let her go like that! Brought her home and she has been fitted with fentanyl patches for further pain relief!!

We will spend a few more days of quality time before my girl goes over the Bridge!

February 10th 2015 - With much sadness, Pixie was helped over the Bridge to join her pals earlier today! We have had a very special week together but I did need to up her pain meds again yesterday and better a day too soon than a moment too late! What amazes me is that she never lost her appetite through all this, first sign of cancer in my other dogs has been off their food!.

This morning she got her very favourite food for breakfast, sardines in tomato sauce, and lots of them, and a gentle last stroll!

Missing our girl so much but glad she's now free from pain!

How I will always remember Pixie, we enjoyed so many long walks together!

Always such a beautiful smile!

Pixie's Long Journey with us started here!

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Sunny and I
Collect our new Babe

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Our last picture of Pixie with new kitten Purdy, Ida at the front!

From Michaela, two bottles of wine!

The message said -
"Saw the label name - and knew it would be perfect!
Raise a glass to your journey with Pixie......."

Waiting for the call from the vet to go collcct her ashes,
when we finally bring her home again,
will be toasting 9 1/2 yrs of Happy Memories!!!

March 5th 2015 - Pixie is home again in a beautiful urn placed for the moment in my living room on a glass table in front of Willem's Rainbow Bridge painting of Barney, her pal for so many years!

A Happy/Sad Birthday for me, just so glad to have my girl home again!

Now off to open the wine and welcome my girl home

*Next Angel*

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