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spacer The 8th Willem Wijnberg Cancer Fundraiser 2011

Runs April 15th through to July 4th 2011

The first page of Items for this Very Special Fundraiser were created and donated by Willem Wijnberg, a very talented artist from the Netherlands. For the past seven years, Willem has made and donated all of the items for our Willem Wijnberg Cancer Fundraisers.

Through the fundraisers of Willem's wonderful Berner paintings, we have raised $120,428.87 to fight cancer in Berners. With the matches provided by the AKC Canine Health Foundation of $162,428.87, the grand total of money raised directly from Willem's paintings is $282,857.74!!!

THANK YOU WILLEM, for your dedication to the breed and for helping raise so much money to defeat cancer in Berners.

To see more of Willem's work and past contributions to Fundraisers to fight cancer:
<click here>

A Very, Very Special Fundraiser!

Dr. Matthew Breen, North Carolina State University has developed a means to rapidly screen dogs for the expression of key genes that his group identified as part of CHF-760 that are recurrently associated with Malignant Histiocytosis (MH) in Berners. To verify which of these genes are significant, Dr. Breen has applied for a further grant through AKC Canine Health Foundation (CHF). He has received pre-approval of his pre-proposal and will now submit a full application for this research. If funded this research would begin in the Fall of 2011.

This fundraiser will be specifically for supporting this new histio study that Dr Matthew Breen will be doing. We need to raise $20,000 to help him do this very important work to help defeat histio in Berners.

For further information about this research study
<click here>

Update June 23rd

. Today I talked to Dr. Matthew Breen and we discussed his upcoming histio research study. I had promised him that I would raise $20,000 towards the study. He tells me that the Berner research study total for this histio project will be about $35,000. Obviously he still needs more money to start the project. I told Matthew that as of this morning I have checks totaling $16,174.92. I have additional pledges right now for $4,438.66, which, IF everyone who made a pledge sends me their donations, will give us a grand total of $20,613.58!!! WE HAVE DONE IT!! We have raised $20,000 which is enough money to support 69% of his histio research study!! THANK YOU TO ALL OF THE GENEROUS PEOPLE AND CLUBS WHO HAVE MADE DONATIONS TO FIGHT HISTIO IN OUR BELOVED BERNERS.

Dr. Breen is still short $14,386.42 for his research study and I have a NEW CHALLENGE that would help us raise an additional $10,000 to make the research project a reality. Fara Bushnell and George Pappas have offered to MATCH every dollar we can raise from today until July 4th, 2011, up to a maximum of $5,000. That means that they have placed $5,000 "on the table" and we can have it IF we can get NEW donations (the pledges that have been made but not paid to me yet, do not count towards the money we raise for this challenge) totaling $5,000 in the next 11 days!!


Now, you ask, "How can we raise an additional $5,000?" Here is my answer in three easy steps:

1. With donations received from 215 people out of the possible 3,718 people on the Berner lists, that leaves 3,503 people who could possibly make a donation! So far we have donations from just 6% of the people on the Berner lists. I'm sure that more than 6% of the people on these lists have lost Berners to histio - so if just those people who have lost a Berner to histio sent in a $5 donation for each Berner lost, we would raise $5,000 in a heartbeat. P.S. Those who haven't lost Berners to histio can also still send in checks!!

2. I currently have donations from 19 of the 30 USA regional clubs. That means that there are an additional 11 clubs who could possibly make a donation to help us raise $5,000.

3. Histio doesn't just affect Berners in the USA - unfortunately it affects Berners worldwide. That means that there are people in other countries and clubs in other countries who can send in donations too.

P.S. If you live in Canada where the postal strike is going on, you can still participate - just send me an e-mail telling me what you are pledging and when the strike is over, mail the cheque to me. Remember to tell me how to distribute your tickets for you.

I've listed three ways for us to raise $5,000 in the next 11 days - maybe you can think of more ways for us to accomplish this goal.



1) Brenda Broome has donated a second Berner Paw Pendant Series 1 to the fundraiser

(see also Item #74 which is a Series 2 pendant)
and has asked me to make it a special prize for the 2011 Willem Wijnberg Cancer Fundraiser.

Fred Helmbold is also donating one of his draft harness and bags to this special drawing.
Note that the red collar is not included.

Item #D1

<click to enlarge>
Item #D2

<click to enlarge>

Anyone who sends in a donation dated on or after today, June 16th, 2011 will also receive a ticket
for one of these very special prizes. Let me know whether you want the pendant or harness.

2) NEWBIE CHALLENGE - I have a challenge from Pat Tackett, Kay Taylor, and Linda Lankester. They have made donations to the Cancer Fundraiser and have asked me to use their tickets for a challenge. IF YOU HAVE NEVER MADE A DONATION TO ONE OF OUR FUNDRAISERS AND THIS IS YOUR FIRST TIME TO MAKE A DONATION (A FUNDRAISER VIRGIN) YOU WILL RECEIVE 10 FREE CHALLENGE TICKETS WITH YOUR DONATION!

3) Willem Wijnberg, Peggy Rickenbach and Barb McColgan have made generous donations to the cancer fundraiser and have asked me to use their tickets for a challenge. The next 10 people who donate $50 or more will receive an additional 20 tickets for the fundraiser!!

4) Kelly Weir has made a challenge to breeders expecting puppies - she has donated $20 per expected puppy and has asked that the tickets go to people who have lost Berners recently to histio. If you have recently lost a Berner to histio, please send me a note and I will give your 20 FREE CHALLENGE TICKETS.

5) Bobbie Abern and the Northern California club have asked me to use their tickets to extend the challenge for free tickets. The next 20 people who send in donations of $50 or more will get an additional 20 FREE CHALLENGE TICKETS for the cancer fundraiser. THANK YOU Bobbie and the Northern California club for your generous donation of your tickets to raise more money for the cancer fundraiser.

6) Donations dated on or after June 23, 2011 will count towards the fundraiser. On the memo line write "Bushnell/Pappas Challenge!"


THANK YOU, Fara Bushness and George Pappas. Through your most generous $5,000 matching fund challenge, we WILL raise the money we need to defeat histio in Berners in our lifetimes.

I challenge each of you to make a donation in honor of your current Berners.

I challenge each of you to make a donation in memory of your Berners who have died from histio and other cancers


I'm hoping that many more clubs joint this elite group of clubs who are making a donation to fight histio in our Berners.

Here is the list of clubs who have approved donations to the 8th annual Willem Wijnberg Cancer Fundraiser in support of Dr. Matthew Breen's histio research study!

Alaska - $200
Blue Ridge - $200
Central Virginia - $100
Chattahoochee Valley $200
Finger Lakes - $200
Grand Canyon - $200
Greater Seattle - $250
Greater Twin Cities - $200
Heartland - $50
Kentuckiana - $200
Lone Star - $200
Nashoba Valley - $200
Northeast Illinois - $200
Northern California - $200
Potomac Valley - $200
Rockies - Matching club members donations
Southern California - $200
Three Rivers' - $200
Watchung - $200

Make ALL checks/cheques payable to: Joye M. Neff

Please include the following:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Phone Number
  • E-Mail Address
  • number of tickets you wish to purchase for each item(s)
    (PLEASE include item #s and description!)
Send to:
Joye Neff
1182 Firwood Drive
Pittsburgh, PA 15243-1825

** I can accept foreign cheques with no additional fees to convert the funds to US dollars as long as they are under $100, so if you are going to send more than $100, please break it into smaller cheques so none are over $100."   .

Please give generously knowing you have a chance to win one of these beautiful items

Page A

Tickets are

$2 each.....OR.....

4 for $5....OR....

20 for $20

Item #A1

First Prize!

A blank canvas.

Willem will make a painting

of the winner's dog..

Item #A2

Painting of "Misha"

owned by Jaime Meyers from the Netherlands

Item #A3

Painting of "Bromley"

owned by Jaime Meyers from the Netherlands

Item #A4

Painting of "Joye and Harley"

the BARC dogs owned by the Hartung Family

in the Ontario

Item #A5

Painting of "Breeze"

owned by Nancy Giusti in the US

Item #A6

Painting of "Breeze"

owned by Nancy Giusti in the US

Item #A7

Painting of "Breeze"

owned by Nancy Giusti in the US

Item #A8

Painting of "Crimson"

a BARC dog

Item #A9

Painting of "Ruby"

a BARC dog owned by Andrea

Item #A10

Painting of "Tiffany"

a BARC dog owned by the

Barels Family

Item #A11

Painting of "Barclay"

a BARC dog owned by Andrea

Item #A12

Painting of "Sophie"

a BARC dog owned by the

Gagans Family

Item #A13

Painting of a BARC dog

owned by Andrea

Item #A14

Painting of "Little Lewis"

owned by Pat Wiegand

Item #A15

Painting of "Newfoundland dog"

owned by John

Item #A16

Painting of "Kenzie"

owned by Patti

Item #A17

Painting of "Pepin"

owned by Coral and David Denis

Item #A18

Painting of "Panda"

BARC dog

Item #A19

Painting of "Breeze"

owned by Joye Neff

Item #A20

Painting of "Breeze"

owned by Joye Neff

Item #A21

Painting of "Breeze"

owned by Joye Neff

Item #A22

"The beautiful colours of our breed to wear as a pendant

China pendants donated by Took Visudtibhan
Painted by Willem

6 pendants have been donated so 6 winners will be drawn

<click to see the enlarged pendant>

Item #A23

China Money Box -

good for saving money for your vet bills

China donated by
Took Visudtibhan
Berner painting by Willem

Item #A24

China Money Box -

good for saving money for your vet bills

China donated by Took Visudtibhan
Berner painting by Willem

{short description of image}

Item #A25

China Money Box -

good for saving money for your vet bills

China donated by Took Visudtibhan
Berner painting by Willem

Item #A26

China Money Box -

good for saving money for your vet bills

China donated by Took Visudtibhan
Berner painting by Willem

Item #A27

China Money Box -

good for saving money for your vet bills

China donated by Took Visudtibhan
Berner painting by Willem

Item #A28

China Money Box -

good for saving money for your vet bills

China donated by Took Visudtibhan
Berner painting by Willem

Item #A29

Plaque from the Dutch Berner Mountain Dog Club -
you can put it on your car or on the front door of your house

Donated by Willem Wijnberg

This year we have many more wonderful donations, with many thanks to all the wonderful people who have contributed here to help our Berners fight this disease with this very special fundraiser!

Click here for the next page Items #B1-50

Page B cont. and items #B51-94

**Page C and a Very Special Prize from Dr. Breen**

Berner-L Home Page Collection 2010
Compiled by Pat Long and Jaime Meyers

Benefiting Berner Cancer Research

Please support Terri Whalen and Cathi Dovico on this
2011 K9 Cancer Walk, Elk Grove, Calif.
May 7th 2011

In support of Morris Animal Foundation's Canine Cancer Campaign .
Team Berner

And here is a very special picture,

Willem at work on Amika's painting
for our Angel Pin Lady, Karen Connors,
We love you!!!!!

For the Histio Roll Call of just some of our Berners lost to this cancer
and why your donations are so very important!

For further information on all aspects of canine cancer care

E-Mail Joye

Take me back to the top please

All materials on this site copyright © 2002 by Joye Neff - All rights reserved.
Page design by Karen Pickel
Web space and page content by Jean Cheesman