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12th Annual Berner-Garde
Foundation Fundraiser

Stewards of the Open Bernese Mountain Dog Database


In appreciation of Berner Lovers everywhere...

2012 Berner-Garde Free Ticket Bonanza

*Runs February 3rd to March 31st 2012*

The lucky Winners have now been drawn, be sure to check out all 6 pages for the names!

We breezed right past our goal!! THANK YOU!!! BERNER LOVERS ARE THE MOST BESTEST!!!

Last year we raised $6,161.78 with our Berner-Garde Fundraiser and I was hoping we could raise $7,000 this year. People were very generous and we were able to raise $9,547.65 to support Berner-Garde. That amount includes the twelve pledges which I expect to receive in the next few days. THANK YOU ALL for your generous donations!

We had donations from 34 of the 50 states, 2 Canadian provinces, and 3 other countries.

Thanks again for making our 2012 Berner-Garde Fundraiser such a huge success!

  • We have assembled many lovely Berner items to give to those who have Berners in their lives or who wish they had a Berner in their life.
  • Tickets to win these wonderful Berner items are FREE and easy to obtain!
  • Just send an e-mail to Joye Neff and ask her for tickets.
  • Tell Joye how many and how to distribute the tickets you are requesting.
  • EXAMPLE: "Joye, please give me 20 FREE Tickets. I'd like you to place the FREE Tickets into the following envelopes: 2 each in items number 2, 8, 14, 22, 33. 34, 45, 63, 77 and 89."
  • That's it! Just ask for tickets. People may also request that Joye send FREE Tickets to friends, mentors and people they admire. It's fun!!!
  • Please remember that all contributions to Berner-Garde are much appreciated!


I have a challenge from Nell Ward - she had sent a generous donation to the Berner-Garde Fundraiser and has asked me to use it to get more Berners entered into the Berner-Garde Database. SO......IF you enter a new person or a new Berner into the Berner-Garde Database, you will get 50 FREE Tickets for the Berner-Garde Gift Bonanza. Let me know that you have entered yourself and/or a Berner who isn't in the database and I will give you 50 tickets for each one you enter.

Item #51

"The Bernese Mountain Dog"

by Diana Cochrane


Ticket requests and donation checks Joye Neff,
1182 Firwood Drive,
Pittsburgh, PA 15243-1881.

Make U.S. bank checks payable to the "Berner-Garde Foundation. Foreign cheques make payable to "Joye M. Neff" - Joye can deposit foreign cheques without any fees.

Who is this woman, Joye Neff?

learn a smidge more

Berner-Garde Website

Check out the website and submit details of your Berners!

What is Berner-Garde?

learn a bit more

DNA/Tissue Repository

Cost of submission of blood, swabs and biopsy samples is now covered by funds from Berner-Garde and the BMDCA. Owners carry the cost of shipping and veterinary costs to obtain the sample.

What is the DNA/Tissue Repository?

learn a tad more

Questions? Contact Joye Neff

page design by Beth Nelson
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