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12th Annual Berner-Garde
Foundation Fundraiser

Stewards of the Open Bernese Mountain Dog Database

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is Joye Neff?
How many tickets can I request and how much do they cost?
Why are we having this fundraiser?
What is Berner-garde?
What is the DNA/Tissue Repository?
Why contribute to the Berner-Garde Foundation?

Who is Joye Neff?

Since 1999 with on line fundraisers for health, rescue and education, the total amount Joye has raised plus CHF matches equals $761855.68.


Bern (1985 to 1994) - Mast Cell Cancer
Winston (1998 to 2003) - Malignant Histiocytosis
Nicky (Christmas Day 2002 to April 23rd 2010) - Malignant Histiocytosis
Breeze (Born March 3rd 2010)


Bill Neff (married 49 years)
Bill teaches at University of Pittsburgh - School of Business - Administrator and professor since 1967


Gwen (married to Gary)
Jay (married to Lisa)

with Berner pup, Gia (Born Sept. 21st 2010)


Ella (12 years), Gracie (9 years), and Bella (8 years)


Grandchildren, Berners, Berner fundraising, reading

Education and Professional Experience:

Bachelor of Science (El. Ed.) - Univ. of Pgh - 1961
Masters Ed. (El. Ed.) - Univ. of Pgh. - 1965
Teacher of first and third grade for 7 years
Realtor, former Manager of 100 agent office and Director of Relocation from 1984 to 2008 - my job moved from Pittsburgh to New Jersey on Dec. 26, 2008, so I am now retired, except for referring people to good agents all over the USA and Canada to buy or sell homes..

How many tickets can I request and how much do they cost?
As many as you like - they are free.

Why are we having this fundraiser?
To raise money for the Berner-Garde Foundation.

What is Berner-garde?
The Berner-Garde Foundation (BGF) was established to collect, maintain and disseminate information about genetic diseases observed in the Bernese Mountain Dog. The BGF is comprised of a voluntary Board of Directors, several committees and, at it's core, a computerized database. The database contains information which has been compiled over many years from voluntary submissions of data from owners and from other public sources of information.

The information in the BGF database is now available online to owners, breeders, veterinarians and researchers who are working to reduce genetic disease in the Bernese Mountain Dog.

In addition to maintaining the database, the Berner-Garde Foundation funds research studies aimed at reducing the health problems found in Bernese Mountain Dogs. Research proposals and grants are approved on a case-by-case basis by the Board of Directors.

What is the DNA/Tissue Repository?
Berner-Garde Foundation and Michigan State University, with support from the Bernese Mountain Dog Club of America, have established a repository that will collect, store and maintain DNA and tissue samples from a large population of BMDs, whether affected with a disorder or not, along with pedigree and medical history information. MSU is providing a repository that will store and catalog DNA and tissue samples for future health research purposes, and will use available state of the art diagnostic evaluation of submitted specimens, as well. The samples that will be stored for future research purposes include blood samples, cheek swabs, preserved tissue biopsy samples, and fresh frozen tumor tissue.

To encourage submission of samples to the Repository, the cost of submission of blood, swabs and biopsy samples is covered by funds from Berner-Garde and the BMDCA. The owner will have the cost of shipping and veterinary costs to obtain the sample.

Why contribute to the Berner-Garde Foundation?
Please help by making a generous donation to the Berner-Garde Foundation to help with their mission "to ensure that all Bernese Mountain Dogs (BMD) have a long and healthy lifespan of 12 - 14 years." We need everyone's support to achieve this dream!! All checks/cheques should be sent to Joye Neff.

Berner-Garde Foundation is a 501(c)3 organization, and donations are tax deductible for US Tax purposes. As always, you should consult your accountant when making deductions on your income tax return.

Send all donations to:  Joye M. Neff, 1182 Firwood Drive, Pittsburgh, PA  15243-1881. US checks should be made payable to Berner-Garde Foundation and Foreign cheques should be made payable to Joye M. Neff.

Questions? Contact Joye Neff
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