Koshino: So what're we doin' here?
Sendoh: Tsuki-chan invited us.
Koshino: And we accepted??
Sendoh: *smiles*

Welcome to my renamed, redone page!

Mitsui: If Tsuki-chan keeps changing her page, she'll never get any fics written...
Tsuki: *ignores Mitsui* This was originally a fic site, but I've changed my mind...now it's completely centered around Slam Dunk.
Sendoh: Which just proves how biased she is.
Tsuki: *ignores Sendoh* Here you'll find the Library...
Kogure: Which of course has fanfics.
Tsuki: ...The Art Room...
Sakuragi: Pics, of course.
Tsuki: ...Psycology 101...
Rukawa: *zzz* *mumbles* Character profiles...
Tsuki: *sweatdrop* ...the Stairs...
Mitsui: Her links.
Tsuki: Erm, the Office...
Miyagi: The updates.
Tsuki: ...the Lounge area...
Akagi: Her guestbook.
Tsuki: *pauses, thinking* And I believe that's it. Oh, and the auditorium, which is currently being made into a shrine!
Mitsui: *hugging Kogure* For us!
Kogure: *blush*
Tsuki: Enjoy!

WARNING! This site is almost completely


(literally, "boy love") You have been forwarned!!



Psychology 101

Art Room





Don't suppose you wanna mail me??

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The various icons around here are found at and copyrighted to them. I did not design it myself, and don't claim to. I pray no one sues...

Slam Dunk is copyrighted to Takehiko Inoue & I.T. Planning. I don't claim ownership.

The picture above of Shohoku's "Big Five" that I used for my title pic was found at Mirocat's Anime page, which also has pics and stuff in other anime. Just so she's knows I'm not stealing.