~*~ The Office! ~*~

~*~ The updates ~*~

OK, self-explanitory, ne? I'll keep the updates in this page, though I don't know why people would come here... *thinks for a moment then shrugs* Whatever.

Finally got some things up on the shrine! Wow! Ran back and fixed the Black and Red links, and added a one-shot RuHana songfic.

Wow, ten days since my last update. School's killing me, let's put it that way. Anyway, I put up a new ficcy, yay! A HanaRu, so check out the Library, you'll see it with the little "new" icon under it. Also, I'm making plans to put up the image gallary soon, and since I'm in psychology now, I should be finishing up those character analysis' soon, too. Of course, really depends on the work load from my teachers. *shivers* That's all!

All right! I kept my promise, and look! The image page is up! Hooray! Granted, I don't have many pics, but I'm working on it, ne? It would help if people would send some to me that they wanted posted (hint!). Anyway, I'm working on the last, missing part of this page, then I'll be able to add refinements to the page.

It's been a while, I know, but I've been uninspired and busy on top of that, so...gomen nasai. I added a new fic. That's it. Hopefully I'll add more without that two month gap betwen updates...gomen once more.

Home again, home again, jiggity-jig...