~~*~~ The Art Room! ~~*~~

~~*~~ Pictures ~~*~~

Here's the Art Room. Here you'll find any pics that people have drawn for me, or given me permission to post. Anything that wasn't was something I stumbled upon while I was surfing the web, and I'll label those appropriately. I can't remember where I found all of them, but I haven't scanned any, they aren't mine, please don't sue!

Anyway, got any Slam Dunk pics for me? Want to post them on the web, but don't have a page of your own? I'll post 'em. Just e-mail me and I'll post it as soon as I can. Don't worry, I'll tell everyone who you are. I don't steal....often. Kidding!

**This is a pic I got at a girl's page, I used it for my main page logo. (The link to her page is at the bottom of the main page.)

**This is a RuHana/HanaRu pic that I don't remember where I got from. If I remember, or someone contacts me, I'll post a link here to it.


**This one is a MitKo pic that Virgo-chan drew for me for being the 2001th visitor! Kawaii!


Spilled some paint? Janitor's down the hall...