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Shinnosuke Hidetori

Birthday: April 7
Looks: Gorgeous. Has the blue eyes Frank Sinatra would be jealous of and his hair is just sooooooo good. ( Nothing like Jewel or Trunks or #17 but its sooooooooo cute). A snappy dresser too.
Smarts: Well he’s no idiot but he gets by with his C’s and D’s which is good considering he also started school when he was seventeen.
Personality:The most sarcastic person alive. A pot-smoker and a heavy drinker, but those are his cute qualities. In the beginning, Shinnosuke was the sweetest guy you could ever know.
Cooking: I don’t think so.
Fighting skills: Uses a Bo professionally and knows a bit of hand to hand combat.
Special Abilities: Professional mechanic and a card shark. He also enjoys rollerblading.
Significant Others: Here we go. Sakura, no doubt. Ukyo, these two had a thing going on before. Tifa, she likes him but he doesn’t like her. Aeris, he likes her definitely. Akane, do I need to even say anything?
In-Laws: Eiji, a good cousin of his. Sho, his favorite cousin. Lita, probably his only female cousin. These and the ones he will get when he marries Sakura.
Career: He makes his money as a card shark but blows most of it on weed and alcohol. However, I hear card sharks make a lot. Also, Look at his clothing. Does he look poor to you? I don’t think so.
Sex: An expert in the field. It is mentioned that he has LOTS of stamina which results in hours and hours of pleasure. Just ask Sakura, Ukyo, or Akane.
Overall:Interesting but an amusing choice. Never a bored moment with him!

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Akane Ryoga Ukyo Ranma Sakura Goten Mai Trunks Kini Jewel, #17 and Kumon