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Goten Son

Birthday: December 5
Looks: Adorable!!!!!!!! The cutest little thing you can ever see. Cute spiky black hair and adorable dark eyes. Reasonably built and not too-too tall. Very charming and funny.
Smarts: Considering who his father is, I’m sure he’s not THAT bright. Also, his mom wasn’t as strict with him as she was with his brother’s studies, and Goten’s related to Ranma.....So he’s not an A student. Trunks usually helps him with his tests.
Personality: He’s a pure sweetie. However, he chooses chocolate cake over intimacy ~_~. Like his father, Goten is pure-hearted and also like his dad, he has a passion for fighting since he’s a half-saiyan. He loves his friends and family but rarely gets along with his niece Pan. Also loves Tello Kitty ( the fastest teleporting cat in the universe).
Cooking: The only things he cooks are baked products- preferably chocolate cake.
Fighting Skills: He’s a half-saiyan. Need I say more?
Special Abilities: He’s a Saiyan. Need I say more? He can also talk via telepathy but he only does this to Ranma just to “ play with his mind”.
Significant Others: Mai, no doubt. Those two are stuck together like glue and I don’t think Goten likes any other girls more than her. Bra, Trunks’ little sister has a crush on him but Goten is aware of the hazards that will come if he dates her ( Namely Vegita). Marron, Hmm...Marron likes Goten a whole lot but I don’t think Goten notices she’s alive anymore. Yuffie, Uh oh. These two are very close and they like each other abit. To add more fuel to the fire, they have more in common than Goten and Mai do. Mai...Look out. Oh, and Paresu, a witch just like Mai who is in love with Goten. Is it me or is Goten somehow irresistible to witches?
In-Laws: Gohan, Gokou, Chi Chi, Videl, Pan, and Ranma. More to come once he gets married.
Career: Not really . His father has no job and God knows where his mom gets her money from.
Sex: While he is very attractive, Goten is still pure and innocent. This bad boy is a virgin.
Overall: An interesting choice. My advice to you is, prepare to make ALOT of chocolate cake.

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Akane Ryoga Ukyo Shinnosuke Sakura Ranma Mai Trunks Kini Jewel, #17 and Kumon