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Ranma Saotome

Birthday: March 11
Looks: Hmm, was once the stud of the school but that has changed (^_^). Seriously, he’s cute in his own little way but no longer a stud. I’m sorry but I MUST emphasize on that to let you people out there know that Ranma’s womanizing days are over.
Smarts: Personality: The worst of his kind around. He is inconsiderate, overconfident, and a S.O.B. He’s still overconfident but will always be put in his place by anyone.
Cooking: This he could do. He’s better than his fiancée, Akane, that’s for sure.
Fighting Skills: Pretty good and very acrobatic. He has alot of balance and speed but is a mewling babe compared to the likes of Trunks, Goten, etc.
Special Abilities: Has a great amount of balance and coordination. He also likes to skateboard.
Significant Others: In the beginning of Ranma 1/2 it was Ukyo, Akane, Kodachi, Shampoo, etc. Now it’s just Akane, because Kodachi and Shampoo were never seen again and Ukyo found someone else.
In-Laws: Genma Saotome, Nodoka Saotome, Soun Tendou, Kasumi Tendou, Nabiki Tendou. Genma, his father, is pretty much the person you should blame for all of Ranma’s troubles ( thanks to the DragonBalls, Ranma doesn’t have that gender crisis ^_^). Nodoka, his mom, is your average psycho. Wants her son to commit suicide if he doesn’t become a man. Kasumi, Soun, and Nabiki will SOON be in his family when he marries Akane.
Career: There’s a 1 to 1000000000000000000 chance that he’ll do something OUTSIDE of martial arts considering that’s all he knows.
Sex: He seems to please Akane when she wants it but then again...she’s had many others. So he has to do his best to keep her attention so I guess he’s pretty well-rounded in this area.
Overall: A good guy when he wants to be. If he swallows his pride more people will like him and he’ll be a better partner. Also, if you want him, be prepared to be the “ better half”.

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Akane Ryoga Ukyo Shinnosuke Sakura Goten Mai Trunks Kini Jewel, #17 and Kumon