v3 password -- sejghdgea i have confidence v 5 : butterfly kiss
i have confidence

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Every good website has links. Mine isn't the best, but it has some n_n Also, if you would like me to link to you, you must 1) link to me, and 2) send me your URL and a button (if you have one) at flyingpinkbunny@attbi.com. ^^

Digimon Links || EarthBound Links || Other Links || Link to Us

Digimon Links

The Digimon Dairi. My friend Meg's site! The Lost Temple of Ishida. By far the biggest and coolest Yama shrine out there ^_^
Megchan's Digimon Sekai. VERY informative, with lots of nice fanart too ^_^ Lelola. Info and fan stuff on lots of animes, including Digimon.
Ichijouji Sikoro's kickarse shrine to Black War Greymon. Cloud Ishida's website. Her fanart is just. Plain. GORGEOUS.
Gatomon's Scratching Post. Very kawaii shrine to numerous Digimon characters, namely Tailmon ^_^ Angel Wings Unmlimited. My friend Holly's site. Her art is really cute (Looklook at pretty Hezato kiriban for meh!), and she has info on the Yagami siblings and Wallace n_n
The totally insane Ishida Project Kawaii Purity. GORGEOUS FANART. I got the pretty Hezato/Daikista kiriban from here n_n
You Never Know. HILARIOUS SITE. XD You should DEFINETELY check out the doujinshi scans, there's a lot of Ken and Jyou ^^ Boy Lollipop. *_* I'd say that's pretty much Yama in a nutshell, eh?
Koani's Digimon Art. She's like, the goddess of fanart.
Jiggly's site. Mush stuff to do. And she made the KAWAII Yama button for us :D
All That Is Ishida. First Yama shrine I ever went to @_@
Izzy710's Island. I'm too lazy to upload the new banner. :B BTW, my friend Adam's site, under construction. Digital Dreams. My friend Merritt's site ^_^ AND HER FANART IS AWESOME @_@

EarthBound Links

The biggest and best EarthBound site anywhere.
EarthBound SMAAAASH!! A great site, with lots of information on EarthBound. n_n The webmaster recently shut this down ;_;

Other Links

Read fanfics by me and other telented writers here!

The Psychic Pokemon Connection

Cute -N- Crazy. VERY kawaii Sonic site n_n BinkyBeads! n_n Very kawaii-ish clique for people who like little beaded bracelets that say stuff! :D Lekka SHINEN, an awesome shrine to Tasuki of Fushigi Yuugi. @_@ Tasuki is like... one of the bishiest of the bishies!! 8-Bit Theater. ROFLORLFORLFORLFOLRFOLROFL

Funny Website No lie there. :B
PhoenixFeather's Mp3 Horde ^.^
Stick Death ROFL
Furious George Crazy game. A blatant ripoff of Curious George, with a twist.
Japanese Engrish ROFLMAO!
Dementoville I'm only linking here because they linked to me. Funny crap on it too.
Anime Lyrics HOLY CRAP THAT'S A LOT OF LYRICS... annyhoo, this is where I get the lyrics for all of my character's themes. :D

Wanna link to us? No problem. Just use these cute little buttons here...
My first button. It's kawaii ^^ Psh, I whipped this one up in no time. Still cute though ^_^ Yama button! :D
Kawaii Kamira banner!
I prefer this one 'cause it's smaller. You thinking me or Megami made this? Nah, we suck. Jiggly from Patamon's Pad was nice enough to make us this wonderful little button. You're all gonna change your linkybuttons now. >P WOW. If you're thinking me or Megami made this, you are WRONG. This nifty button was made by Duch of Project Ishida ^___^ Yay! The first animated button I've ever made!

Or, if you're REALLY desperate, use this sucky banner.


i s h i d a * u n i t y ...i believe in...

i s h i d a * u n i t y


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