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Welcome to the parallel universe. My name is Ethan. I'm not one for worthless blurbs. The sections of this page are below. Long live the dark knight Sasarai.

Poetry Poetry by myself and others. I'll even add yours. Am I a nice guy, or what?

Mysticism Can you handle it?

Quotes These are cool quotes to inspire you, humor you, or even touch you. You can send in suggestions or personal quotes.

Things to Do on a Rainy Day MuaHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!

Junk from my Head Go here at your own risk.

Stuff 'o da Week Miscellaneous, and usually worthless, tidbits of information which is supposedly updated every week.

Links Too many links. It hurts.

I'm not your average person. I'm saner than most people I know. That doesn't mean you shouldn't be afraid of me, however. I hope I am a little "crazy" however, because that's healthy. Think what you may, I don't really care to discuss myself. You are here for the page. Enjoy....

Bill, Ted, and the Grim Reaper

Notable People

Jim's Aquarium! Yeah.

Any suggestions for this page? E-mail me by clicking here.

Thanks for visiting. The page is still being modified, so feel free to drop in every now and then.

And remember: Crazy people are sane!!!