Integrating the Heart
Notes: I'll put some up after this chapter. I do not own these puppets.


Part 22

The two pilots collapsed in agony as the explosion of the Gundams psychically backlashed. Wave upon wave of excruciating pain crashed over them. The pain was enormous, like they themselves were being blown apart. All they could do was lay there and struggle to breath.

"Damn you." Zechs wheezed. The pain had dulled to a throbbing ache. He stood shakily and walked to where Duo was still slumped. He kicked him, hard. "You've-Damn you!" The blonde was so angry he couldn't even speak. He pointed his gun at the crumpled form.

"You are dead!" As his finger began to press the trigger, something flashed in his head. He saw himself, in a pool of blood. Pilot 01 stood over him grimly. //No! This is not my destiny!//

"I will not die here!"

Duo had just struggled to his hands and knees when Zechs hand shot out, grabbing him by the hair. Zechs dragged him up viciously, pushing the American flush against him. Duo felt cold steel press up against his temple.

"I will still win this war!" Zechs shouted into the shadows.

"The war ends here, Zechs."

Heero stumbled into the light, gun raised. Sweat beaded the Japanese pilot's brow but his aim did not waiver. "Let him go."

"He'll die before you even pull the trigger." The pistol dug painfully into Duo's skin.

"Don't hesitate, Heero! Shoot him!"

Zechs laughed harshly. "But, my dear friend," He whispered in his captive's ear. "To shoot me he'd have to shoot"

"Do it!" Duo yelled.

Heero shook his head, eyes troubled.

"Shoot him!"

"I can't." Prussian blue eyes pleaded with him to understand.

"Damn it, Yuy! It's for the mission!"

"Fuck the mission! I'm not going to shoot you!"

"I am destined to be killed by you." Duo whispered.

"No..." Tears tracked down the Japanese boy's face.

"Do it."

"Shut up!" Zechs yelled nervously, his gun shifted to point at Heero. "Shut up!"

"End this war, Heero."

"Shut up." Zechs eyes darted wildly around, seeking some escape.

"End it..."

Zechs wrapped his hand around the braided boy's throat, cutting off his air supply and effectively silencing him. He leveled the gun at Heero. Heero watched in agony as his love mouthed two last words. //Ai shiteru.// Taking careful aim, Heero fired.

Zechs released the braided boy in shock, staring down at the burgundy stain spreading across his chest. Duo fell to his knees. Smiling softly, he gave his lover a slow nod and fell to the ground.

Zechs struggled to lift his gun. He aimed it at the Japanese pilot. Prussian-blue eyes begged for the blonde to fire, to end the numbness that had overtaken him. Zechs eyes narrowed and he collapsed.

Heero stumbled over to Duo. //Funny how blood isn't red when there is less oxygen.// He thought absently. Crawling closer, he wrapped himself around his lover's body and let the darkness claim him.

//Ai shiteru...//

Chapter 23

Shin Kidousenki Gundam Wing © Sunrise, Bandai, and Sotsu Agency.