Integrating the Heart
1x2, 5x13
Notes: I'm "whipping" out another part! Only two chapters left after this one! Can you feel the suspense? As always, I do not own these puppets!


Part 21

"What are you talking about?" Duo growled. He bent down to check on Heero, sighing thankfully that he was only unconscious.

"The Zero System is integrated into both Epyon and Gemini. Since, I too have been integrated, and since I have a previous link to both Gundam and ship, I can control them telepathically. As of now, Epyon is prepared to destroy your friends."

Duo looked down at the still form of his lover, troubled. //There has to be some way to help WuFei.// Suddenly a great pressure forced it's way inside his head. Duo doubled over in agony.

//The ZSA is capable of many things, 02. It can be caring,// Duo shivered at Zechs' mental caress. //Or it can be ruthless.// A scream ripped through the American's throat as agony clawed through his head. Concentrating desperately, Duo blocked out the other presence.

"Stay outta my head!"

"Very good, 02. But how long can those walls of yours last?" Zechs sent another mental blow towards the braided pilot. Duo took the blow and then sent it back full force. He laughed grimly as Zechs staggered back a step.

"My name is Duo Maxwell." He stood. "But you can call me Shinigami." He lunged at the taller man.

Zechs caught the braided boy by the wrist and slung him away. Duo flipped and, pushing off from the wall, flew right back at him. The blonde sent another round of mental punches, trying to distract the determined pilot. But Duo merely shrugged them off.

The battle continued for what seemed like ages, neither man getting the upper hand. Both figures were panting and covered in sweat. Injuries ignored in the first rush of adrenalin now became painfully aware with each movement.

"I am swiftly tiring of this game." Zechs stated, bringing his pistol to bear. He pointed the gun at Duo. "05 and Tallgeese have been defeated. I only have to give the finishing blows."

Duo closed his eyes and concentrated. //I hope this works.// It had been a long time since the American was forced to pilot Wing Zero. He searched deep inside himself for that small remaining link. Finding the thread, he held on to it desperately, following it to its source. There Wing Zero waited.


Far away on the other side of Gemini, two green eyes began to glow. Large feet shuffled towards the escape hatch. A Gundanium fist slammed into the obstruction repeatedly.

Finally breaking through, Wing Zero shot out into space, heading for the white dot in the distance.


Duo opened his eyes and stared as Zechs grimly. "You're spreading yourself too thin, Zechs. When it all falls apart you will be torn apart with it."

Zechs glared at him. "You have not concept of power. With the ZSA, I am everywhere at once! I see the future! Earth is destroyed and the colonies are finally free. I am free."

"Your only freedom will be in death. Can't you see your doom heading towards you?" //Almost there.// Duo tensed.

Zechs laughed. "I'll get my freedom by killing Death!" He fired, aiming at the braided boy's head.

Duo saw the shot before it was fired and dropped to the floor, rolling.

He came up in a crouched position a few feet away. //Now!// He slammed into Zechs, throwing all his mental power at the blonde.


WuFei closed his eyes in anger. Altron floated in space, nearly destroyed. The arm that housed his Dragon claw was severed and his trident was lost long ago. Blood trickled down the Chinese pilot's split lip as he watched Epyon over power the Tallgeese. A feeling of helplessness washed over him as he glanced at the small red button in front of him.

"It was a pleasure...fighting with last time, Dragon." The static filled voice seemed exhausted beyond recover.

"Aa. It was nice that we were actually on the same side for once." WuFei said. Treize laughed weakly.

"I want you to remember me, WuFei. Not as the Aristocratic tyrant, but as a warrior and a friend."

"Do not self destruct, Treize!" WuFei growled.

"I am prepared to die, just as you are Dragon. At least one of us should live." Tallgeese shuddered at another blow from Epyon.

"You have to survive, Treize! You can't die!"

"Why not?" Treize shouted.

"Because you have a daughter!" WuFei stained against his harness to touch the beautiful face on his screen. Those blue eyes he loved so much went wide in shock.

"I have...a child?"

WuFei smiled an opened his mouth to speak when his saw Epyon moving in for the deathblow.



Wing Zero flew through space, homing in on the burgundy Mobile Suit in front of it. The suit had its whip raised, prepared to finish off the white MS. Thrusters kicked into overdrive as Wing Zero shot towards it target.


Treize watched helplessly as the whip slashed down, knowing he could never block in time. He closed his eyes in anguish and waited for the searing pain that would end his life.

"Goodbye, my Dragon."

The blow never landed. Treize opened his eyes to see the wings of an angel. Staring in awe, watched as Wing Zero dragged Epyon backwards, clinging to the burgundy Gundam with all its strength.

Treize swore he heard a voice shouting; //Now!// And then the Winged Gundam began to glow. He shielded his eyes at the intensity of the blinding light. Treize watched as the light consumed the two Gundams.

Tallgeese shook with the force of the oncoming blast, barely out of range of being incinerated. He watched as Wing Zero and Epyon exploded into a million sparkling fragments.

Chapter 22

Shin Kidousenki Gundam Wing © Sunrise, Bandai, and Sotsu Agency.