Integrating the Heart
1x2, 4+R, 5x13 Notes: I don't own these puppets, yadda, yadda, yadda.

Part 17

"I am coming with you." Cornflower-blue eyes flashed with anger.

"It's too dangerous, you could be hurt." Quatre tried his best to reason with Relena, but she would have none of it. She whirled around to face him.

"It will be dangerous on this ship. It is going to be attacked, remember? The safest place is by your side!" Not used to being disobeyed, the blonde pressed her point harder. Quatre could see how Relena earned the title, Queen of the World.

Quatre limped over to her, wincing as pain shot up his thigh. The doctors said he might have to rely on a cane for the remainder of his life. With Relena Darlian angry at him, his life may not last all that long. He took the feisty girl in his arms. Relena calmed immediately.

"I have to talk to my brother one last time. You can't deny me that."

The Arab sighed. She was right of course. But he hated putting his fiancé in any danger. He didn't know how it happened, but somewhere along the lines he had come to care for this spoiled princess. He nodded reluctantly.

"Alright. But you need to put on some more appropriate clothes. A dress isn't exactly the most sensible thing to wear into battle." Relena laughed.

"My dear Quatre, where in the world did you get that I was sensible? But, I'll see what I can find."


"What is your decision, Dragon?"

WuFei paced back and forth, torn. His face twisted in indecision. Treize watched him from the comfort of the four-poster bed. While the tall man seemed relaxed, it was only a farce. Treize tensed imperceptivity. He was asking a lot from his Dragon, but it was necessary.

"I'm sorry to put you in this position, WuFei, but you are needed here."

The Chinese boy sighed and joined his lover on the bed. Muscles bunched under olive-toned skin. WuFei's ebony hair hung loose and flowed wildly around his bare shoulders. Treize had never seen anything more beautiful.

"I feel like I'd letting them down." WuFei spoke finally. "They shouldn't have to go without me." Treize gathered the boy close.

"They'll understand, and they'll approve. You are doing a very noble thing, Dragon, and I will be at your side the entire time."

WuFei nodded and stepped over to the desk resolutely. Dialing Heero's room, he fidgeted nervously.

"Yuy here." Cobalt eyes blinked on the view screen. "What do you need, WuFei?"

The Chinese boy cleared his throat. "I won't be going with you to Gemini. I will remain here with Treize and Altron to protect this ship."

Heero nodded approvingly. "We will miss your skills, but that is an admirable task. Protect the Peacemoth, WuFei." Heero disappeared and violet eyes took his place.

"Be careful, Wu-man. I don't want to loose you."

Sloe-eyes widened, then closed in relief. Those remarkable violet eyes no longer carried the white pupils of the ZSA. Whatever Yuy had done, it had brought Duo Maxwell back to them. WuFei was thankful.

"You too Maxwell. Loosing you once was enough. Chang out."

Duo looked back at his lover, eyes sparkling with unshed tears. Cobalt eyes seemed equally moist. With a sigh, Duo rose.

"It's almost time."


"Are you frightened?"


"I...I am."

"Hn. Don't be. I'm here."

Duo smiled and called upon the part of him that was the Perfect Weapon. Feeling instantly calmer, he looked over at his koi. Heero slid his gun in the specially equipped holster of his black spacesuit. The suit fit him like a second skin, Duo thought. He looked down ruefully at the matching suit he wore. Certainly doesn't leave much to the imagination. Seeing the look, Heero chuckled softly.

"It helps you move more freely, baka."

"I just hope I don't geld myself." Duo laughed in return.

"Howard to Yuy." The old man's voice sounded grim over the intercom. "It has just come to my attention that a white Taurus was stolen and is now heading for Gemini."

"Kisama! Noin!" Heero cursed. "Acknowledged, Howard. We're leaving immediately."

"Be careful, boys. Give Millardo a swift kick in the ass for me."

Duo chuckled. "Will do, Howard my man. Will do!" Heero snorted. "Come on, baka."

They raced to the hanger and found Quatre and Relena waiting for them. The couple was dressed in the same suits as Heero and Duo. Surely she didn't think she was coming with them?

"What is she doing here?" Heero snarled.

"She's coming with us. There is room enough in Sandrock's cockpit for both of us."

"No way Quatre!"

As they two boys argued, Duo climbed up DeathScythe Hell, opening the hatch. He looked over at the dark form of HeavyArms, and felt his heart clench painfully.

"Nice to see you again, Partner. One more go around and we can both retire." He glanced back at the other pilots and growled in frustration. "We don't have time for this."

"Let's go Yuy!"

Heero whirled around at his lover's tone and saw him already in his Gundam. Nodding, he looked back at Quatre.

"I can't protect her this round. It will all be up to you."

Quatre looked over at the impatient form of Relena and smiled. "I understand."

The Japanese boy turned and launched himself up at Wing Zero. Taking one last look around the hanger, he spoke.

"Let's end this."

Quatre strapped himself into Sandrock, Relena wedged uncomfortably beside him. He felt her black clad body pressed up against his and he groaned mentally. This was going to be a long ride. He watched as Zero's feathered wings disappeared out the hanger and followed.

"Hold on, Relena." He heard and felt DeathScythe shoot up beside them.

"02 to Angel."

Quatre flipped on the COM unit. "An-Quatre here."

"Is there gonna be cake at this wedding?"

Quatre gasped. 02 sounded just like-

"Duo?" Beside him, Relena smiled beautifully.

"Well? Is there?"

"Yes, Duo." She said. "There will be more cake than you could ever eat."

The braided boy popped up on the view screen, grinning wildly. "Now, I wouldn't bet on that Oijisan!"

Quatre laughed happily, tears falling down his cheeks. "Duo! Your back!"

"Damn straight, Q-man. The God of Death is back from Hell!"

Quatre smiled broadly, then his aquamarine eyes narrowed. "Then let's get these assholes!" Beside him, Relena gasped.


Duo cackled madly. "You got it, Man!" The view screen went black.

In the cockpit of Wing Zero, Heero smiled slightly. Hands gripped the controls firmly.

"Mission acknowledged."

Chapter 18

Shin Kidousenki Gundam Wing © Sunrise, Bandai, and Sotsu Agency.