Integrating the Heart
1x2, 4+R, 6+9
Notes: Character Death! x.x I do not own these puppets.


Part 18

Noin walked through the sterile hallways of the Gemini nervously. She was unsure of how her reception would be since she had failed to contact Zechs and went so far as to aid the Gundam Pilots in escaping. Her palms were sweaty and her hands shook. //Get it together, Noin.// Taking a deep breath, she stepped onto the bridge. The lights were set on low and she peered uncertainly into the gloom.


"Ah, my lost sheep has returned to me."

Noin followed the voice over to the captain's chair. She could barely make out the shadowy Zechs' reclining figure. She stepped in closer.

"Please, let me explain." She begged. "You didn't tell me the pilots were going to be there and it stunned me. After I collected myself, I was suspicious of the scientists and wanted to look into it before contacting you." She began pacing the floor in front of Zechs, who looked back impassively.

"The scientists were testing the ZSA on the pilot of 02. I found out that the scientists were going to control you with it and I decided to help free the pilots. They didn't deserve to be guinea pigs! Duo-I mean 02 went crazy and forced me to cooperate with them and they dragged me aboard the Peacemoth. I came here as soon as I could to warn you that they are going to attack you." Noin turned to Zechs. "You must forget about the ZSA! It would have taken away your soul."

Zechs chuckled softly. "My dear Noin, always looking out for me. But your loyalties are just as torn as Une's once were. It is time to choose your side."

Noin took the blonde's hand in her own. "I am on your side, Zechs. That is why I came back."

"Really?" Zechs leaned forward whispering in here ear. "The pilots are coming here, Ms. Noin. If you are on my side then fire up the beam cannon and destroy them before they step foot on Gemini."

"What?" Noin jumped up quickly. "I can't do that, Zechs! It's not right!"

Zechs laughed harshly. "I knew that would be the case. Lights! Eighty percent!" The lights in the bridge came on and Noin gasped, slowly backing away.

"You see, Noin. You need to take a stand in these matters." He said stepping closer to the dark haired woman. Noin continued to back away.

"Y-your eyes!"

"My eyes seek out my enemies, disregarding my friends." Zech's now white pupils bored into Noin's black ones. "Tell me, Noin. If you are so loyal to me, why can I see you?"

Noin's hand went towards her pistol reflexively and a shot rang out. Noin fell to the ground. Zechs turned furiously to the figure in the corner.

"What have you done?" He shouted.

"She was going to attack you, Millardo." Dorothy laughed. "I couldn't let her do that. Besides, your better off without such a sniveling female."

Zechs knelt over Noin, taking her into his arms. Noin looked up at him, eyes dim with pain.

"I didn't mean for this to happen." He whispered. Noin smiled.

"I would die a thousand times just to see you look at me this way." Blood began to trickle from between her full lips.


"I'll wait for you, Zechs. You are my heart's dearest." Noin drew in a deep breath, then released it. Zechs looked into her beautiful eyes one last time and then closed them forever.

"Sayonara, Noin."

"She was a overemotional slut to the end." Dorothy sneered.

Zechs' eyes hardened and he spied the pistol that Noin had dropped. Grabbing it, he shot towards the woman blindly. Hearing Dorothy's body hit the floor, he rose. Enhanced hearing listened for a sign of life. Hearing none. Zech walked out of the room. He had a war to win.


The pilots stood inside of Gemini where their Gundams had blasted through. They had encountered no opposition and that worried them greatly.

"They must be using all their resources to attack the Peacemoth." Duo said. Beside him, Heero shook his head.

"That would leave them foolishly open to attack. Something is going on here."

Suddenly Quatre stumbled, clutching his chest. Relena rushed over and supported him.

"Quatre! Are you alright?" She asked. Sweat poured down the blonde pilot's face.

"Noin..." He whispered.

"Where?" Heero demanded. Quatre stood straight, the pain fading. "That way..." He pointed. "The bridge, I think."

"Let's go." Heero stated. Duo stopped him.

"No. Zechs is this way. I can feel him."

Heero paused and looked at the braided boy. This was not good. He looked back at Quatre and Relena.

"Go on." Relena said. "We'll check on Noin." Quatre nodded. "We split up here, my friends. Stay safe."

Duo rushed over and pulled them both into a bearhug. The couple laughed and hugged back just as hard. Heero clasped Quatre's hand and looked over at the girl who had annoyed him throughout the war.

"Don't die." He bent down and kissed her cheek softly. Nodding at the SandRock pilot, he turned with Duo and disappeared down the hallway.

The couple stood there, hands intertwined. Relena looked into Quatre's aquamarine eyes and smiled.

"It will all work out, love." Quatre smiled faintly and looked to where his dearest friends had vanished.

"I hope so, koibito. By Allah, I hope so."