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Another fun filled day... 12/23/00 ~Jamie
Hi welcome to the first update of my site.. Since this is the first update i doubt if anyone will read this for oh, say a week maybe. I'm working on getting the site and all of the pics and banners done. Shouldn't take too long.





- Anime Series
- Anime Reviews
- Anime Ratings
- Fansubs
-- List
-- Rules
-- Status
-- Friends

- Nintendo
- Playstation
- PC
- Sega
- Emulators

- Quote of the day
- Message Board

Add Me!

Jamie's Fansubs

These are the Rules:

1. During buy or trade, YOU SEND FIRST unless I have bought or traded with you before and I know I can trust you.
2. If you want to buy or trade with me look at the order form and then send me an e-mail with the required content.

There have been questions on what to put in the e-mail.. Here's a sample:

Hi I'm Dracula I was wondering if you wanted to trade i have this to offer:

1. $1,000,000
2. Berserk volume 6
3. Vampire Princess Miyu

or just give me a link to your website, be sure to tell me what you want from my site FIRST.

I want:
Berserk Volume 1
Berserk Volume 2

You get the picture.

3. We only take serious people and if you try to swindel me i will hunt you down and rip your flesh off your body... Have a Nice Day >=^)
4. Also, there is a 10 tape limit for each order...

I'll find some more stuff to put up here later...

[ List / Rules / Status / Friends ]


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Copyright © Anime Revolution, do not use anything on this site without permission, if you do.. Well, just don't.
This site was started on the date of 12/20/00. Anime Revolution is not trying to make a profit on anything, we just
want to get the fans to know what true anime is.