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Welcome To Anime Haevan !

Hello, and welcome to my Anime Haevan. Anime Haevan is a site for both the anime lovers and the other random stuff that I happen to come across on the web. Oh yeah, if you have an anime fan fiction on the web apply for my award. Enjoy the site. BlueFlames


February 15, 2001
New update method, the picures "new" or "updated". Now isn't that nice and easy??? But if you want to know what was changed just hold your mouse over the updated picture.

March 19, 2001
I'm doing a little early spring cleaning. A few pages will be taken down and the Sailor Moon link will lead to another page as soon as I can get it up. I felt that it was getting too big compared to the other pages and moved it. But right now all the pages are still there.

August 26,2001
Dang, I haven't done any work in a while. Sorry about that but I've been busy. Bad excuse I know. Unfortunately I'll be starting school soon. But I'll add some new pages before then.

February 28, 2002
Yay! Reformatted all of the pages today. Now, it doesn't matter what size screen you have, or what setting its on. It's also easier to read text and links and stuff.

Links to different parts of my site


Apply for my award

Check out the Awards that I have won


This page started in Geocities on September 28, 2000. But moved to Angelfire on February 13, 2001.