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More Fan Art

Joel King sent me some fan art and I put it up today check it out in the Fan Art Section.




Okay look I know I don't update anymore but people still seem to come here so can you please do me a favor?  Go to and use the e-mail link to tell the webmaster off about him completely ripping off my title image (the one at the top of every single one of my pages).  Maybe if many people e-mail him he will get original, work for 6 hours in Photoshop, and make his own picture.  I have already sent and e-mail to him threatening legal action that I will take out on my copyrighted image if he doesn't remove it and it didn't seem to  faze him in the least.  Please do your part in helping a good cause.

The Dragonmaster

P.S. If it seams as though I'm whining try working in Photoshop for 6 hours on something to help stand out and get it stolen and see how you feel.



Fan Art

It's been a loooong time since I updated because of the fact that I've been having a lot of trouble logging in to my account anyway I added a picture send to me by Russell Campbell and it's pretty good check it out in the fan art section.



Dragon Ball and Lord Slug Movie

First of all if you didn't know Dragon Ball was gonna be on Cartoon Network HAVE YOU BEEN LIVING UNDER A ROCK FOR THE LAST YEAR????  Having said that you can find out all the info on Dragon Ball in the news section (along with info on lots of other things including the DBZ game for Game Boy Advance and much more) and on the official Dragon Ball site

In other news the sound track for Movie 4 "Lord Slug" looks great for all of us who listen to Metal/Alternative type music.  Read the following article from

Warner Bros. recording artists Deftones took home this year's Grammy Award for "Best Metal Performance," and also have been featured on the soundtracks for "The Crow: City of Angels" and "Escape from L.A." Since hitting the national scene with their 1995 debut album, "Adrenaline," this California quartet has become one of the premier punk-grunge alternative bands of the future.

Heavy metal band Disturbed also makes a prominent showing on the "Lord Slug" soundtrack, bringing its visceral rap-metal aggression to the mix. The band, which was formed in Chicago in 1997, grabbed ears nation-wide last year with the release of its Giant Records debut, "The Sickness." The group was named Best New Band in Hit Parader's magazine poll, and will tour on the Ozzfest bill this summer.

"It makes perfect sense for such cutting-edge bands to be included on the new Dragon Ball Z soundtrack," explained Gen Fukunaga, President of FUNimation. "This is one of the most cutting-edge cartoons on television today, and it is a perfect fit with today's hottest new bands."

Joining Deftones and Disturbed on the soundtrack are Wind-Up Records recording artists Boy Hits Car, Dust for Life, Finger Eleven, American Pearl and Broken. The movie, set to hit the shelves August 7 on home video and DVD formats, is the fourth full-length Dragon Ball Z feature presentation. This time around, Goku must battle an evil overlord, Lord Slug, who has come to Earth inside a deadly asteroid with just one goal - to destroy it. Once Lord Slug discovers the seven magic Dragon Balls, it appears that even Goku may not be able to keep the planet out of his evil clutches.



Poll of The Month

It's been way over a month but the votes were so close that I extended it and it just kept being close.  I officially am going to leave the link here so you can vote if you want but I'm putting up the new one today.



Season 5 of  Dragon Ball Z




Search for more Fan Art

I have noticed people saying that they can draw better than the fan art that I have.  If you feel that you can why don't you e-mail me some pictures to add?



Movie Releases and Episodes on DVD

Movie #4 Lord Slug is set for a release date of August 8th 2001 both cut and uncut and Dragon Ball movie Tournament - Roshi's Request will be released June 5th.  Also a couple of DVDs Frieza:  Summoning and Androids:  Invincible were released yesterday so be sure to pick those up.




I updated the news today with more release dates for the DVDs.



Awards and Full Movies

Gohan's Temple 2k1 got an award today and I'm still waiting for someone to contact me on the dbz077 full movies if someone has them please contact me.




This is urgent I just found out that some of my full movies aren't there any more and I need your help to get them back!  Anyone who  has the files that were in the dbz077 account  please re-upload them for me or you can e-mail or contact me on aim at trunkx666.  This is very important please help out the site!



 Tons of Stuff

Obviously there is an updated layout not to mention a flash intro (it's kinda lame and the sound fx are corny but, it is a flash intro so I don't really care), I added two new sections Gifs and News, I limited the number or pictures per page of pics to 10 to speed up loading, and I got the wallpaper to load faster as well. I also hope to have a working webring by the end of the week so keep checking there and join as soon as I get it done.  One last thing Vegeta's Pride (RPG) wasn't hacked it was closed by the webmaster due to the lack of users. 



 Award . . . kinda

Vegeta's Pride (RPG) (don't bother going there) got a better award because their first site got hacked and they made a better one but it was IE only.  I tried to go there today and i appears as though they were hacked again!  Man that sucks!



 Awards and more

Vegeta's RPG got an award today and i fixed the Gohan Pictures link.



 Enter Pic

For all of us who have super slow dial-up connections I got the enter pic to load faster by making it over 240 separate splices and making my code for the one image HUGE.  But hey what are you gonna do when your too cheap to pay for dial-up and there are no broadband connections available to you?



 Full Movies

It took me longer than I thought but they're up and ready for download.  Just head over to the full movies section and watch 'em.  Also if you want to talk to me but don't feel like e-mailing me my username on AIM is trunkx666.



 Full Movies

If you go to the movie section you will notice a new list of FULL MOVIES in that section.  By the end of next week I should have all the movies up and ready for you to download because I have them at school and it would take like a billion years on NetZero.  As soon as I get that done I'll let you know just keep checking there, there are already three up and more to come.




Go Super Saiyan got an award today so check 'em out.



 10,000 hits

10,000 hits wahooo . . . that is all.



 Awards and Stuff

Sayainz Domain got an award so you should check 'em out and vote for me on DaBlackGoku's Topsites.



 Tons of Updating Fun

Today was a big update day not only did I give out another award but I put the newest link table on all the pages not just the right one on the main and everything else old and dumb.  Everyone should check out the site that got the award too.  The link is here Neogoku's Dragonball Universe



 Dragonball Quake 3 Mods

I don't know how many of you play Quake 3 but I don't really like the game.  Now before all of the Quake lovers get extremely mad know this I like Quake 2 and 1 and there are some great mods in the makes for Quake 3 that may make me enjoy the game.  Planet Namek has been giving out info on Bid For Power but there is also an even better one coming out simply called DragonBallQ.  For more info on Dragonball mods click here.




I gave out another award yesterday I just didn't have time to put on the site until today as always you can see it at the Award Section.  That makes two wahooo!  Well at least people are coming to the site.  *sighs*



Fan Art

Today I realized that I have had a fan art picture on my computer for 2 months and decided to put it up so you can check it out in the Fan Art Section.  Oh yeah and this is the new layout for updates.




I gave out my first award yesterday you can see the page that received it in the awards section.



Fan Art

Oh my god there was an update today!!!  It's true I actually added something to my site and you can see it right here in the Fan Art Section.  If you look closely you will notice that there is another picture drawn by Chris Jackson.  Also I am making all the links in the pages white.



Poll Of The Month

The new Poll Of The Month is up and ready for your votes.  Also the results ended with Piccolo being the strongest by your votes.  You can see the full results by clicking here.  Don't forget about the other poll on the page.




I added a search on the main page and it will eventually get put on all the pages.



New Poll

Don't forget to use the new poll just to your right and down.




There is a brand new downloads section with about 20 wallpapers for you to choose from. They should all work but if you have problems let me know.



Poll of The Month

The new Poll of the Month is up so start voting.  Also the form is now fixed and the poll works with IE.




HUGE NEWS!!!  I just got 50 megs of space so now I can actually add the stuff I have wanted to but didn't have the space to.




Finally the awards section is up and the awards are ready to be won.



Background Sound

I added a background sound to the page but the only way to let it play the entire time you are visiting it to use a pop-up.  It automatically opens on the enter page but if you closed it here it is.



IE Poll Bug

I have noticed a problem with the poll using Internet Explorer where it does not let you vote or use the links.  I am working on fixing the problem, but if I don't you may have to use Netscape because it seems to work well on it.  If you have any questions or complaints please e-mail me.



Enter Pic

I put the new enter pic up.




The powerlevels are now correct with the official ones so check 'em out.



Fan Art

I added the correct picture in the fan art section today.



Top 99

The only thing I did was to put the correct link to the Top 99 up.  I may not be up on all the pages yet though.



Correct Link

Okay I fixed the font link so here it is.



New Page Layout

Well here it is.  It is finally up and I think it is better than the last 4 I have had.  My part is just about done but there is something you can do and should do.  You see those links over to your right well they should in a specific font and they probably aren't.  If they are great but if not just download it here.



Poll of The Month
Are you going to watch the original Dragon Ball on Cartoon Network? (Whenever they finally air it!)

Yes. I can't wait.
No. Dragon Ball is boring plus it will be all edited.
I already have my VCR set! (Must be hard since they change the air date every two weeks!)
What Dragon Ball is gonna be on Cartoon Network???


  Look at the
  picture that
  my friend
  threw away.
  Would you
  have thrown
  this away?

What kind of crazy crack head friend threw that away! That is an awesome drawing!
Of course he threw it away look at all the mistakes.
Your comments here.
