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Webrings I'm part of:

A Non-Yaoi Revolution

Ahh....a college Sophomore...and this semester, I hope to have fresh ideas over here in the GW depo! I've got a couple in mind...and I few I have to complete. But the fic will be all...different....

Very New!!!!Only and Ocean Away When two people are longing for the same thing out of life, how do they come to terms with it...and each other?




Chapter II

Chapter II

This fic is all consuming! What would happen if, after the war, it all finally ends? I still have at least three more chapters to type up! And yes, eventually all the G Boys will make an appearance...although their history will be a little sad.

Only Human A classic murder mystery. Millardo's been murdered, and someone's out to anialated the Peacecraft line.

By The Moonlight So far, I think my best yet. Duo/Hilde pairing. Set to the backdrop of a well known poem. but I'm not telling ya what, cause that would ruin the fic!

Hold On A Quatre/Dorothy fic. Sorry if Dorothy's a little out of charecter in this....-_-

Past The MissionA Heero/Relena fic, written to Tori Amos's song, 'Past the Mission'. Kinda sad.

SomedayA typical 'Relena runs away to find herself' fic. The first part of five. The next parts will get a little wierd, I can promise you that!

I Love You Another Heero/ Relena fic!!! Mindless Sap and warm fuzzies ahead!

Old Soldier This fic was sent to me by Godshatter...its amazing. You have to read this!

Untitled Very depressing, written by yours truley. An introspective Duo fic.

Through the Eyes of Love Learn what happened to Heero and Relena right after the Eve Wars.

KoshcheiA new threat appears on the horizon. Will the G-boys be able to stop this madman...before he stops them?

Koshchei:Chapter II A continuation of the above.

Relena's Secret: Introduction What? You think I'm going to give it away? Go read it!

Under You A Duo/Hilde fic. Very sad...and angsty. But with a happy ending.

Lost GardenSee what Montana has to say about Heero and Relena's relationship

Forget Me Not The sequal to the above, also by Montana. ::falls over and dies of shock::

SacrificeA songfic about Duo/Hilde to my favorite song, "Dante's Prayer" By Loreena Mckennitt.

When I Come Back To You Again A Heero/Relena songfic.

Tear In My Hand A little one shot on what Noin thinks of Zechs after Libra.

Sabre: Part 1 A NYR exclusive!!! Its a story about a girl and a boy and how they get through the war.

Sabre Part 2

PossesionHeero/Relena, A little fluff peice that was mulling around in my head. I think you'll like it.

Gunning Down Romance This is a songfic to the Savage Garden song. Thought is was appropriate for Heero/Relena.

Love Letters: Heero & Relena The title is self explanitory.

Love Letters:Duo & Hilde Once again, the title is self explanitory.

FallenAn alternate universe Trowa/Catherine fic.

Orphans of the War:

Scene 1

Scene 2

Scene 4

Scene 5

Scene 6

Scene 7

Scene 8

Scene 9

Scene 10


Private Emotions A cute lil' Duo/Hilde fic.

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