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Shadowlight Interspecies Communication Greetings

"We must first journey through the darkness to find true light."


Shadowlight Interspecies Communication


Healing Arts

Chandra N Venegas- Animal communicator

private consultations






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Greetings! Well come and well met.

       Thank you for visiting us here. I hope you find what you are looking for, or perhaps even something new to think about. Take a look around and if you have any questions or would like a consultation please contact me. I want this site to not only be a link to consultations, but also a learning site for the curious, please enjoy.

Animals can be many things to us; friends, family, companions. To some they are the only family and to children or adults, a best friend, the confidante that listens quietly through all our tears, the one that helps us feel more solid when we are sad or lost. They are also teachers, if through nothing more than their actions, around us and with us. They think, they feel, they learn and they love. They all have their own personalities, and quirks, likes and dislikes. They have fears, dreams, questions and emotional needs as well. Most of us look for a purpose in life and we are greatly blessed when we have found it; likewise it is also one of the lowest points in life when we feel we don't have one. Now think about that dog, or cat (cats seem often to be above waiting, but none the less some do, even if in secret), but think now about that companion you leave behind everyday at home as you go out to work, or to play, and think about what you say to them. Do you tell them to watch the house? Keep the rest of the family safe? Or do you just say "be good" and leave? They hear all of these things. We just don't always "hear" them.

    The ability to hear them is something we all have, it is just a matter of learning and practice. My goal here is to help bridge the gap and perhaps establish a deeper connection; to pass on the messages, and wisdom of our brothers and sisters of all shapes, sizes, and species. Every one of them, from a small chicken to a llama, horses and cows, and yes, even the tiniest goldfish, they all have something special to share. No one is too great or too small.

We are all connected.

 We all share the same journey, and working together can make it so much more wondrous and fulfilling. Come, join us and reclaim the place in the circle, that we once had.

              I also ask that you take a look at our friends through the links on this page and the links page. There are some wonderful places to help and restore you. Also I ask you to support your local humane shelter. Please also take a special look at my teachers new book; "The Complete Idiot's Guide to PET PSYCHIC COMMUNICATION" by Debbie McGillivray, now in stores, as well as "Hope Rising- Stories From the Ranch of Rescued Dreams" by Kim Meeder, the book that is helping to support a very important place. The Crystal Peaks Youth Ranch. And don't forget about the rescue homes for all types of horses and animals.

I hope you enjoy your visit with us.

Walk in Light

In Loving Memory, we bid a sad farewell to,

Fleur, Saro, Patrick And Moon Baby, members of my feline family who have finished this journey....


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