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Your right to visit Cuba

Cuban travel law

Existential rights

Cuban travel law, history of

Right to travel

Right to be your own reporter

Form letters

Misconceptions about Cuba

Misconceptions about Cuba

One Hundred Cubans Interviewed

Cubans choose socialism, intro

Havana, interviews 1 - 17

Baracoa, interviews 18 - 48

On the road, interviews 49 - 73

Cienfuegos, interviews 74 - 89

Back to Havana, 90 - 100

4 Non-signers

Shadow (48)

Mixed couple (81)

Debaters (84)

Fisherman (93)

4 who signed from "fear"

Guard (2)

Artist (25)

Food service trainees (72)

Bohemian (78)

8 most articulate of 81 who
signed enthusiastically

Woman, cop, purchaser (3, 4, 5)

Fascinating woman (16)

Colonial waiter (18)

Militant bici-taxista (39)

Lady cop (63)

Museum guide (75)

Railroad man (79)

Visionary artist (86)

"Cuban Notebooks"


Chapter One: First Impressions of Cuba

Chapter Two: Havana Law

Chapter Three: Habana Vieja

Chapter Four: A 1989 Cuban Household

Chapter Five: The Isle of Youth

Chapter Six: Bureaucracy

Chapter Seven: Cuban Houses

Chapter Eight: Holguin and Gibara

Chapter Nine: Baracoa Babes

Chapter Ten: Walking Ghosts

"South America Compared to Cuba"

From Maracaibo

From the Andes

From the Cone

"Three April '05 Letters From Cuba"

Human Rights in Cuba, April 14 from Havana

Viva y Habla Fidel!, April 22 from Cienfuegos

Elections in Cuba, April 29 from Havana

My Motives and Qualifications