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In Loving Memory of
Angel Rose Reed and Baby Dru Reed

Below are pictures of some of the completed blankets ~~

And now, here are some of the blankets ready to go to the moms ~~

Let Death Come

Let death come as I gently bend over you,
placing my lips upon your warm forehead for the last time,
softly whispering 'good-bye', not, good-night.
Let death come like the hawk,
gracefully, slowly, spreading her wings,
soaring in the breezes, letting go of her past journeys,
as she's carried toward new horizons.
Let death come like the sun,
warming the vast meadow, re-birthing her,
and blanketing her with a golden-glow after a cold, bitter frost.
Let death come like the leaf, clinging to the branch,
gradually relinquishing her grasp, succumbing to the wind and swept beyond sight -
becoming one with the earth, somewhere again.
Let death come like the tall pine,
with her limbs extended ready to receive her first winter's snow -
resting against the blue, cloudless sky,
gracefully shrouded in white delicate lace.
Let death come like the 'mother' with out-stretched arms,
drawing her newborn close to her for the first time -
holding her gently against her warm bosom.
Let death come peacefully, as day becomes night,
and the moon awakens, and the sun sleeps,
and the constellations light the way to the heavens.
Let death come as I wrap my arms around you,
feeling your soul depart my last embrace
long before the silence of your final breath.
And...death came.
Quietly, gently, without face or form,
bringing with her a promise of eternal peace
and the silent reminder of the child we now share.
Debbie Landsman

Some special blankets that have just been finished ~

This blanket was made in memory of Christopher Ronald Faller.

The two photos above are of the blanket made in memory of Jackie's angels, Michelle, Gerald & Daniel

"Grief is stitch at a time."

Thank you to Marlene for creating this very special calling card for us!

Muchas gracias to my dear friend, Rosemary, for creating the
beautiful background and the cute little sheep buttons for this page. You are the bestest!

A friend can hear a tear drop.

This webpage is created
In Loving Memory of Angel Rose Reed and Baby Dru Reed
on December 30, 2001
Last updated: February 23, 2003
© 2000 - 2003

Maria's Tribute to Christopher