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Open Adoption
Saturday, 21 May 2005
Open Adoption and Parental Alienation Syndrome
"Parental Alienation Syndrome" is just a fancy name for disrespecting a child's mother or father. When one parent is disrespecting the other, denying or limiting contact between parent and child, this is seen as CHILD ABUSE. The offending parent's parental rights may be terminated or custody given to the other parent.

"Open adoption"? Everyone knows "Yo momma!" is a terrible insult - but calling a child's mother "the birthmother" or "our birthmother" is insulting too.

The word " birthmother" itself is very misleading, making people think a mother can actually be nothing more than a "birth object".

"Open adoption"? On one message board a woman wrote that she made a baby ON PURPOSE for her friend to adopt - and she was in serious pain after losing her baby. But in spite of her suffering she may still not comprehend that it is because she IS the mother of her child.

Well, how are people supposed to know the truth? In adoption the mothers and fathers are called "birth objects" or "lifegivers" while the buyers of adoption "counseling" ("counseling" designed to get babies from some naive families) are referred to as "real parents". The brokers insist that fake "families" are just as good as real families, if not better.

"Parental Alienation Syndrome" is just a fancy name for disrespecting a child's mother or father.

The man-made institution of "adoption" is inherently disrespectful of a child's own family. You can't respect a mother and father and pretend they are not related to their child at the same time. When you dishonor the child's origins, you dishonor the child.

In Lowis Lowry's book "The Giver", roles are assigned. Lowry makes it plain that women assigned the role of baby-production equipment (" birthmothers") have the lowest status in society.

" Birthmothers" " DO have the lowest status in society - as low as child molesters for "giving up" their own children. Some naive " birthmothers" say they want to change the public's perception so people know that " birthmothers" are just ordinary moms who were pressured and had no alternatives. Yet without using the honest terms "mother" or "mom" to describe themselves, they get nowhere.

"Parental Alienation Syndrome" is just a fancy name for disrespecting a child's mother or father. To get babies for adopters, moms and dads are called "birth objects" well in advance, even while they retain their parental rights.

Euphamisms like "adoption" are used to make the transfer of babies from their own families to unrelated people palatable - or even make it seem desirable. But behind all the euphamisms, there is a lot of suffering as human beings are "artificially orphaned" to supply the baby market.

Adoptee Quote:

"For adoptive couples, adoption is wonderful. For the natural mothers and families of adoptees, adoptees themselves and their progeny, adoption is profoundly painful. ...

"No matter how much they want and can love a child, most adopters are blind to the child?s pain of separation. This does not make for good parents. Think, for a moment, how you would feel if you were expected to join in the "celebration" as everyone dances on your mother's grave." Julie A. Rist, adoptee - "Is the U.S. Promoting Pain?"

Posted by al4/moms at 12:08 PM EDT
Updated: Saturday, 21 May 2005 12:16 PM EDT
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