Medical Imaging Presentations, Lectures, and Instruction


Meeting Set-up

HAWAII WINTER 2016 SEMINAR (January 22-23-24, 2016)

Seminar presentations Imaging Program Guest Lecturer Continuing Education Seminars
State Conference Lecturer
Diagnostic Imaging Instructor Guest Faculty Lecturer
Weekend Workshop Facilitator
Private Tutoring Educational Consultant

Clyde Pearce is able to speak on a variety of subjects enabling technologists to earn continuing education credits, as well as for other groups who could benefit from instruction/lecture/presentations in medical imaging. He has presented at seminars, professional meetings, and short courses to radiologic technology students, registered technologists (diagnostic radiology and nuclear medicine, mammography), nurses, physicians, health physicists and lay people on radiation and imaging throughout the U.S. In conjunction with business partner Jim McCue they have produced numerous continuing education audio-visual training programs and workbooks that were sold to schools nationwide. He has over forty years experience in medical imaging and related activities. Example live presentations that are available include:

  • Medical Fluoroscopy (2, 8 and 10 hours)-
  • Learning from our past; Errors as Opportunities (1 hour)
  • Women in Radiology (1 hour)
  • How Much Did I Get? (1 hour) Addresses patient dose questions
  • Medical Radiation Safety (1, 2 and 6 hours)
  • Roentgen's Legacy (1 hour) Follows evolution of radiation applications since 1895
  • Japan Tsunami: What does it Mean in the U.S.? (1 and 2 hours)
  • Teaching Methods and Techniques in Medical Imaging (1, 2 and 6 hours)
  • New Developments and Trends in Medical Imaging (1 and 4 hours)
  • UV tanning, cell phones, and x-rays ... how safe are they? (1 hour)
  • Quantification of Changes in Medical Imaging (1 hour)
  • The Regulatory Environment and Government Influence on Medical Imaging Practices (1, 2 and 8 hours)
  • Mammography Regulations Under the Mammography Quality Standards Act (1 hour)
  • Digital Mammography versus Film in Practice (1 hour)
  • Physics of Medical Imaging For Dummies (1, 2 and 8 hours)
  • Radiological Math Made Simple for Practitioners (1 and 2 hours)
  • Understanding the Periodic Table and Chart of the Nuclides (1 and 2 hours)
  • Radiological Response Planning (1, 2 and 8 hours)
  • Radiological Incidents in Alaska (1 hour)
  • Image Perception and Mis-perceptions (1 hour)
  • Airport security x-ray systems (1 hour)
  • Nuclear Weapons and Airport Security; What's the Difference? (1 hour)
  • Exploring Revenue Enhancement Using Medical Imaging Skills (1 hour)
  • Customized topic presentations available within the general field of medical imaging.

Design the course that meets your needs to earn Category A continuing education credits in the most efficient manner, while enjoying a little humor and new perspectives on well established subjects. These courses are available in various formats depending upon whether you need a one hour presentation, two hours, four hours, eight hours or whatever meets your needs. Your presenter is noted for making even the most uninteresting sounding topics (Regulations? math?) interesting, fun, and understandable. Expect the unexpected. All presentations are live and local, at a site determined with you for your convenience.

In addition, there are some potential course offerings that may have definite direct value without intending to provide Category A credits. For example, there is a presentation available on planning a conference meeting. It covers details on how to make the medical imaging conference or seminar or course successful and insure no details are overlooked. Subjects covered include how do you find good speakers? When should you hold the meeting? How do you identify which subjects would be most attractive to potential participants? How do you determine what to charge? What must be considered in securing a meeting location? What about audio-visual equipment? Getting the sessions approved and other topics...

Send an e-mail for further information.

Clyde E. Pearce, RHP II, MEd, R.T. (R ), (N), (QM), (M), CNMT(NMTCB)

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Email: MedicalImagingPresentations