Committee: Establish a meeting coordinator and committee optimally one year before the meeting to insure all arrangements are completed on time.
Location: Should be determined optimally one year prior to the actual seminar. (consider price, facility amenities, proximity to shopping (food, restaurants, special items)*
Dates: Establish meeting dates, by comparing other potential conflicts that could compete for the same participants tourist season, unrelated events (Orange Bowl football game, etc.).
Rooms: Meeting room, or rooms if multiple parallel topics will be presented (eg. rad and Mamm) Banquet room, meals, exhibits/posters, breakout for small group breakout meetings
Theme: Consider a theme that relates all the topics and ties them together, if possible. For example, a breast imaging conference, or digital imaging focus.
Speakers: Arrange and get written commitments on the time and date, topic of their presentations. Get resume and course outline to send ASRT for approval at least sixty days prior to the meeting. Plan on one or two backup speakers.
Promotion: Decide on your target audience of potential participants, then determine most effective ways to notify them of the meeting. It may be listed in a state newletter, local newspaper, notification to a state radiological program, published in the newpapers, posted on the internet, notification in national publications such as Advance, the ASRT, RT image, state professional organization, or others.Mailing to Potential Participants: Prepare a flyer or brochure to be distributed by the various means and secure a mailing list, if possible, of potential participants. Must go out at least three months before the meeting to allow time for registration at the hotel, requesting time off, transportation, etc.
Notify web site master at least three months before hand. Post the information on a common website, such as that used by a state professional group.
Educational Meetings:
- Handouts, photocopy options
- Room (s)
- Table and seating arrangements
- Power cords, extensions available
- Podium, speaker table
- Attendance sheets
- Audio/visual equipment laptop, video projector, slide projector, overhead, flip chart
- Markers, eraser
- Laser pointer
- Demo table
- Handout duplications and distribution
- Refreshments
- Bios of speakers
- Special needs of speakers identified and arranged
- Person, date, time and subject confirmed
- CV and presentation outline obtained
- Approval forms with CV, outlines sent for Category 1 approvals
- A/V equipment needs confirmed
- A/V preview space/room available
Out-of-Town Speakers:
- Transportation arranged
- Lodging arranged
- Meals arranged
- Stipend or gift as agreed arranged
Agenda published:
- For distribution via newsletter
- Envelopes, stamps, address list obtained
- Stuffed and sent
- For meeting distribution
- Posted on web site
Registration Table:
- Table and chairs set up
- Staffing arranged
- Money box
- Receipt books
- Pens
- Member cards
- Member and Meeting Application/Registration forms
- Name tags and holders
- Special name tags for officers, speakers
- List of local places to eat
- List of local activities and entertainment
- Coupons, if any for discounted activities
- Drawing tickets, if any
- Telephone messages
- Message board
- Hand outs (pens, pads, Freebies), if any
- Lap top if using electronic registration
- Include printer, power strips, extra ink/laser cartridge
Media contacted:
- Announcement copy prepared
- National radiology publications (At least four to sixth months ahead to get
- it in the issue before the meeting occurs). If timely enough this is a great
- resource that can result in out-of-town participants and national media representation.
- Local newspaper One month ahead, and the week of the meeting
- Statewide facilities Notice to worker jobsites at least three months before the meeting, preferably 4-5 months so they can plan the time off.
- Local radio One to three weeks before
- Other
Student Program:
- Radiography school contacted
- Students invited to present posters, papers
- Student B table and electronics set up
Business meetings location and time arranged
- Table and seating arrangements
- Power cords, extensions available
- Podium, speaker table
- Attendance record sheets
- Audio/visual equipment laptop, video projector, slide projector, overhead, flip chart
- Markers, eraser
- Laser pointer
- Demonstration table
- Handout duplications and distribution
- Establish bank account?
- Who handles the money, pays the bills, distributes checks?
- What are the IRS rules on handling proceeds from a seminar?
- Estimate attendance and registration cut-off dates - offer price break to encourage early commitment
- Determine all costs that will be incurred and how they will be paid
- Determine fees to be charged to cover costs
- Arrange with hotel for meeting rooms, room reservations guarantees, and associated fees
- Determine with hotel staff fees for audiovisual equipment rentals, break foods, and whether they allow outside food to be brought into the meeting
Hotel Selection: Consider:
- Room rates for attendees, including taxes
- Meeting space(s) available - tied to a room guarantee?
- Meeting room rates
- A/V rentals - prices, obligatory?
- Videoprojector
- Screen
- Extension cords
- Dry Erase board
- Slide Projector
- Flip chart, over head projector
- Refreshments - Allowed to bring in from outside?
- Photocopy and fax options
- Computer/internet access, Wi-Fi?
- Restaurant, or in proximity to restaurants
- Transportation to/from airport
- Transportation to nearby acrtivities
Commercial display room established, if they will be included.
- Display rules established
- Booth space fee, or invitation to sponsor a lunch or banquet
- Electrical power to exhibits
- Poster space set aside for technologists, students
- Poster grading/judging rules established
- Poster awards obtained
- Commercial visitation sheet prepared
- Stickers available for each commercial exhibiter
Banquet: Room
- Table arrangements
- Head table
- Table decorations
- Plates, flatware, napkins
- Food, beverage(s)
- Banquet tickets
- Program - Speaker
- Audio system needs (a panel of speakers? Live music?)
- Visual and screen, if there is a presentation
- Speaker confirmed
- Dancing option - if so, music on CD, life Band or ??
- Establish cost for banquet and benefits of attending versus eating elsewhere
Spouses Program arranged, or specifically excluded:
- Activities for spouse who travel with participant, but do not attend
- Meetings
- Transportation information
- Maps
- Coupon, tickets for special events
- Communication/paging of spouse participant