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the LPD (lowcost personal dignity) tax model

keywords: economic human rights economic civil liberties lowcost personal dignity tax model (ricaheck.html under construction) "negative tax" payments as a political right democratic development perceptional philosophy applied psychosophy (fragments yet) political liberalism economic anti-liberalism ludwig feuerbach / karl marx philosophy of social classes or classless society (in any library) philosophy idealism transcendentalism religion solidarity competition rivalry (for some more philosophy keywords, click here) ------------------------------------------------------------ ***** title: ***** the LPD (lowcost personal dignity) tax model ============================================================= ***** preface: ***** first of all, please consider this as a 5-500 years look into future, or as an attempt to look forward 5 to 500 years, rather than a short term program detail for the next elections. personal dignity needs personal identity and personal integrity as its bases, and even the contemporary 1999/2000 "state of the arts" of human rights and civil liberties even do not guarantee these two minimum elements (identity and integrity, i.e. individual/subjective freedom/liberties, and "untouchability" of each person) for all human beings -- even human rights and civil liberties are "granted" (not guaranteed), nowadays, only for "desired" persons, if "granted" at all, as by the year 1999/2000. the LPD (lowcost personal dignity) tax model is neither n e c e s s a r y nor d e p e n d e n t for/from personal dignity (as a humanitarian value), but where m o n e t a r y economy exists or has its merits, -- and where humanitarian values shall not be omitted/rejected -- there the (a) LPD tax model is certainly a stabilizing factor for human rights and civil liberties (while uncomfortable for police state customs and banana republic structures in politics), because it means also a monetary expression of democratic dignity. However, the following is worked out to make possible even an immediate realisation of the LPD tax model: not because this attempt be so perfect or perfectionist, but because ... * just consider the enormeous development from "debt towers" (debtor's prisons, german: "schuldturm") to very normal present "Limited" (limited responsibility, Ltd.) company constructs, -- this development took 500-1000 years; * from Edison to communal illumination, it went quicker already, -- that took 50-100 yrs; * and from the first real Personal Computers (below a cubic yard's volume) at home to a broad internet access it took -- less than 10 years. doesn't this generate some justified hope? this LPD tax model, therefore, proposes the momentaneously cheapest synthesis between economic solidarity models (the marx model was not realistic but lead to state capitalism where nobody had any true profit) and economic "liberal" incentive models (cf. "manchester liberalism", economic "neo-liberalism" with highest personal incomes of but very few participants, and with all their resulting wars and civil wars), where individual" freedom (liberties) be not put intentionally into contrast (for example by a power-greedy functionariat ideology). yes, both CORE of the LPD tax model, and its FRAME CONDITIONS + EFFECTS are this simple that they can be even listed here in the preface: (St) = (%) - (PV) (with (St) = salary tax, or even corporate revenue tax, and with (%) = linear tax percentage to pay to the tax office, and with actually paying out (PV) upon request, from there) 1. frame conditions and 2. effects of the LPD tax model can be found detailled in the chapters below, and in the conclusion. 1. worldwide f r a m e c o n d i t i o n s for its use and introduction are only the following: 1.1. that "money" is a daily use commodity -- which is obvious in all present monetary economies using money (currencies) for exchanging (buying/selling) goods (commodities) on personal purchase/marketing basis as well as on an international trade scope, ("monetary economy" is NOT identical with "monetarism" !!), 1.2. that it functions the better, the more (absolute number of) people participate, and that it contributes the more to peace, the more (percent of) people within a given group/society (state/country) participate: suppressing a 10% minority may be a majority vote -- but majority suppression or hierarchy suppression is n.e.v.e.r. democratic, and this is similarly/analogously true for the LPD tax model -- 1.3. that the two characteristic values of the model, (%) and (PV), are below 100% and GNP (divided by population), respectively, (typically 50% and 10.000 usd/euro per person and year, as by 1999/2000, to be adapted by an indexing system for example like the inflation rate determination system), and 1.4. that the national economies (which make use of the model) are able, ready and willing to take up with the fact that a personal value for human beings (expressed in money) is a strong incentive for (if not landslide-dramatically enforcing) computer/robot rationalisation and environmental caution -- as much as any innovative technology change does, regardless of wealth of countries -- because it transforms human laborers into "economic voters" (see below, 2.3.) 1.5. that the present european retirement systems are practically going broke within a 10-20 years time horizon (if not earlier), -- this is not a direct frame condition and not at all a restriction to the LPD tax model, in contrary this would rather recommend its (or a similar) introduction in order to relieve from current retirement system problems before they become unsoluble -- religious and ideologic arguments are considered below, in the context of the political dimensions of the LPD tax model ("ideology always enforces its reasons" ... ), while administrative arguments are not considered at all (cf. Parkinson's law: "administration grows by duration, not by necessity"), except that paying (PV) and cashing (%) by treasury secretaries/ministers needs less office procedures than "usual" tax systems do, at comparable efficiencies. 2. the obvious e f f e c t of the LPD tax model onto the actual "labor market" situation is -- and should !.N.O.T.! be confused with "social security" or "social support" models or the like -- 2.1. that it influences l o w e r incomes s t r o n g e r than higher incomes, and beyond that, which is not meant as (please do not confuse with) "social justice" ! -- it simply excludes pure existence (a minimum human value) from personal and monetary dependencies, and still (decreasingly) "defuses" (reduces) dependency structure with (increasing) incomes (people with lower work incomes are more protected from being subject to other's power, than people with higher incomes usually exerting power, at the same time) -- for additional considerations on "justice" and "social justice" see below, in the "politics" and "philosophy" chapters; 2.2. that generally "income" is c o u p l e d to a mix of "existence" (income) and "work" (income), rather than to "usual" (pure "work" ideology) constructions, with a s t r o n g e r impact (of this coupling) on lower incomes than on higher incomes, by its nature, because a relatively varying p a r t of income (PV) is correlated to e x i s t e n c e rather than to work (income), namely 100 % (for lowest incomes) downto a ppm (part-per-million) magnitude for billionaires; 2.3. that "human laborers" become "economic voters", because their human labor becomes more valuable (expressed by money) i.e. people can -- and will: this is no ideology, there is no "necessity of optimism" nor "right" for me, and no advertising advantage nor from its use, except if an advantage is admitted freely by its user(s) -- c h o o s e more carefully, which branches of industry (i.e. which kinds of environmental destruction) they support by spending their time there, in paid work or non-profit activities -- personal weighting of this choice (in relation to total personal income) becomes higher for lowest incomes, -- with higher (at least constant) transparency and linearity (though acceptability) for higher incomes at the same time -- (simply by the (nonmonetary) higher decision tolerance, where to offer/withdraw one's personal "laborforce" and (now literally) "personal human capital"); 2.4. that becoming "choosy", here, actually means an increased built-in emotional/personal conscience/participation mechanism (in addition to rational/"qualification" participation) in economic systems, and its/their monetary "translation": economic systems are always environmental, at the same time, in industry as well as in business -- hardly an enterprise runs without exploiting raw materials directly or indirectly from ("nature") environment, and hardly an enterprise runs without servicing another enterprise doing so, from agriculture to sophisticated hitech industries; 2.5. that (destructively) interfering interactions of rational/"qualificational" and emotional/personal decision influence factors esp. in industry -- which cost valuable money in whatever businesses: surveys usually speak of up to 80 % (!) time waste for managers and staff, "necessary to secure the own position in the company" ... -- should become drastically reduced or even avoided, because of decoupling "personal" from "rational" (?) and "existence" from actual "work" (?) income dimensions; -- see also the chapter on "solidarity and competition", below, and the remarks on "competition and rivalry" there -- and 2.6. that last but not least, people obtain more m o n e y and time (i.e. personal value), generally, for personal considerations of arbitrary contents and values (of their own and personal appreciation), which becomes more and more important with communication density and speed, with its quality and quantity, prevailing for several 100s of years continuously, already, by now. "personal value" is not basically opposed to "attributed value", but their handling in practice, regrettably, often is. ============================================================= ***** license/copyright note: ***** this tax model may be used and distributed without restrictions, regardless to the copyright, if the author is cited. it is licensed to the user(s) simply by its use. payment by (the "richtest 50") countries, (profit-purpose) NGO-s and enterprises (i.e. if the user(s) belong to the upper approx. 50% in per-capita fiscal budget or turnover, respectively) who make use and profit from the LPD tax model, and who spend more than 10% of their budget/turnover for their employees/administration wages, is appreciated and thought to be fair in a magnitude of 1 ppm (part-per-million) of the respective budget or turnover. -- this will not make the author the richest person in the world, but make me rich enough to continue work without monetary harassment by rightists opposing democratic development. payment is not intended to be claimed by means of courts and judges. comments and critics, including on contents and mistyping, please direct to a n d or to Dipl.Ing. Dieter BLASL, Austria, A-1040 Wien ============================================================= title preface introduction model details nat.economics / actual history / philosophy democratic conclusion
(under construction)
============================================================= notes: ====== veto for each montesquieu monetary weizsaecker democratic <-> freedom "consequences cheat" ("consequ" = harassment of others: depending on "power" = staatsgewalt, mobbing, ..) harassments, mobbing, bossing, smit.99c, reacti~3.txt notizen
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