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political philosophy -- unseparable from language 
democratic development -- and language philosophy: e.g. M.Foucault
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perceptional political philosophy

is yet in the stadium of collecting facts: 1) plus points (what needs to exist) 2) minus points (what must not exist) ... for making democratic development possible. *** on language philosophy see also some remarks on situational perceptivity philosophy or contact us (see below) if we can help you to go into depth. basic, "uncontradictable" (?) elements of democratic development ... ========================= * insertion: Jan.2001: minority govt. + role of "justice" (short notes, Jan.2001, to be worked out) ... seem to be, so far: (except the simple true rule that "democracy needs usd 15000 /year per capita income", ...) "power divison" as defined by Montesquieu (at least in societies where "power" plays a role) "control from below" as stated by Weizsaecker (at least as long "upside" and "below", i.e. hierarchies, exist in those societies) Carl Friedrich Weizsaecker, german philosopher, defined (approx.) "democracy is decision by the ones who have to carry the consequences of the decision". (german: "Demokratie ist Entscheidung durch die Betroffenen" -- this is not easy to translate, because "Betroffene" translates to "concerned" but means, here, "the ones who have to carry the consequences of the decision") consequently, a "veto for each" (where (s)he feels concerned -- that cannot be "evaluated" by ... (german: Wichtigmacher) but ONLY by the concerned person, by oneself!) this is certainly not easy to put into reality: if it is taken serious, also an accused person before court must have a veto right against "his"/"her" verdict, and consequently this would exclude the existence of prisons. "monetary expression" of democratic identity, in monetary societies (in monetary societies, "democratic" corresponds also to an UNconditional amount of money -- spending money decides which shop will survive or grow -- to the extents of monetary development of those societies: i.e. in a "society of rights, or of "law and order" e.g. of rural societies of the 1500s or 1800s, civil rights will play more of a role than money, for democratic development; in a monetary society of the 1970s to date, money income -- i.e. an unconditional existence basis, decouples from work income; additional work income has to remain free, in a freedom democratic development -- plays an equal or even greater role than "rights") freedom for the individual person, rather than for organisations (freedom and democratic development are not each other's contrary but have a "common field" -- on the long run, if the earth shall not be destroyed, either decoupling income from work income, or a combination of unconditional existence basis and free work income will be necessary, see above -- extremists from (neo)"liberalism" as well as functionariat of the former soviet union style ignored that framecondition: manchester "liberalism" economies "grant" freedom only to organisations (enterprises) at the expense of workers and their exploitation, -- very actual example: IT knowledge workers' situation -- while soviet and chinese functionariat party cadres would not "allow" individual freedom at all) future is, where freedom and democratic development have common fields. (developed here without regard to "realistic" or "feasible" present political environment in any country of the world) and: future is, where secular life demands and needs of humans match these fields. however that looks in detail, then. "impossibility" or "enemy elements" preventing democratic development =================================== seem to be so far: (except the simple true fact that "the best person cannot live in peace if the neighbor does not agree") "hierarchy structures" (the enemy of "democratic" is not "dictatorship" but " h i e r a r c h i c " -- dictatorship is only one form, or the most visible form, of hierarchies. "control from upside" (of a hierarchy) -- just a bad cheat for claiming to exercise power, but nothing with "control" or its meaning in democratic structures: rather the contrary, p r e v e n t i n g democratic structures (because it enhances and "sharpens" hierarchy, and hierarchy is a democracy enemy, see above) "shame/guilt pressure" or similar mobbing/bossing/harassment pressure (as soon as human interaction is unavoidable) cf. Weizsaecker, above: as a simple rule to "check out" anytime, as soon as a person feels pressurized by fear pressure, shame pressure, guilt pressure, rectification pressure or other humiliation, when it comes to a "decision" "upon" a human person, -- none of these criteria can be "ruled" by a judge or by administration people, only each one self can decide if (s)he feels so -- it is mobbing/bossing/harassment, by single persons, "colleagues" or supervisors, by peer groups or majorities, what is spoken about, or it is terror or majority terror, but certainly not democracy. .period. and: not only mobbing/bossing/harassment situations are contradictory to democratic existence or development, but f r a m e c o n d i t i o n s of those situations need to be replaced by other frameconditions preventing the problems to occur. it's not so simple as it sounds: one of many examples is the "usual" cheat around "social peace" -- politics often makes propaganda for "social peace" to "rectifie" expenses, to prevent losses at elections etc. -- because "perfect social peace" exists only in a KZ, in a siberian or chinese "punishment labor camp", or on cimetary. (... shall dare or be able to break "social peace", there ...) *** recommended software: (no liability can be taken, but all listed programs are virusfree and troianfree in their 1999 versions) * nuts+bolts or norton 2000 or firstaid (elder version) * memturbo * DU meter webtacho * cpuCool and cpuIdle mainboard coolers * diskKeeper 503 full version + server defragmenter * FTP voyager (WS_FTP available but case sensitivity troubles happen) * "pro" versions of ferretsoft's "ferret" searchers * ssspider, sssiter and ssscanner metacrawlers * pcAnywhere remote training helper * offlineExplorer and teleportPro offline browsers * clipHistory cannot find txtserve pages? please search "txtserve" at,, or other search engines. see also the ("real":) freeware list at (not complete yet!!) and shareware at or searching for what you look for, at (or searching +search +engine at any of those) feedback at (USA) or (europe) please sponsor + support by clicking as many e-cards, as possible, from THIS page -- they are FREE -- and send them to your friends! 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