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political philosophy -- unseparable from language 
democratic development -- and language philosophy: e.g. M.Foucault
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(dont miss our middle european comments -- choose from choose from 500+ tv + newspaper + magazine online services *** 1) why situational perceptivity? 2) what's around? 3) situational perceptivity faq *** remark: situational perceptivity is strongly related to non-measurable and non-evaluable parts of the human soul and personality (and this is very good so) -- and this implies that taboos and "undesired" things and thoughts around us should not be ignored. examples are the psychosophy page and -- as it goes deeper -- even more (though hardly readable yet) the harassment page there: formulation is not perfect at all, there. many subjective feelings are attempted to generalize where they are related to other people, too. (i would not alledge i really succeeded in this point either, so far) and most readers will possibly feel offended by one or the other point, there -- situational perceptivity is somewhat "nearer" to a non-offendable and "readable" discussion basis. 1) why situational perceptivity? simple question, simple answer: web communication uses (D)HTML, XML, SML or similar "clear" languages where sender and receiver have a fair opportunity of (sender) knowing what will be understood (by the receiver) and (receiver) knowing what was sent and meant (by the sender). human communication is not as clear, as long as speaker and listener have their own personalities. (this is certainly not expressing hope that this should be suppressed) "own personality" means that words and expressions are u s e d , the meaning of which is "perceived" or "understood" following a learning process from childhood upto the moment of the actual communication (of the sender). it means also that words and expressions are u n d e r s t o o d (perceived) in a way developing from childhood upto the moment of the actual communication (of the receiver, now). conscient and unconscient portions of this perception (and perceptional gaps, their problems and intentional exploitations) due to language structure (and the structure of language, itself) are subject of language philosophy. t h i n k i n g "behind" the communicative "interface" of persons, and of thinking/acting interrelations, is also subject of "general" philosophy "itself", and it is not simple to draw "borderlines" between "fields" of philosophy. situational perceptivity philosophy, however, intends to focus on the fact that * communication depends on sender, receiver and perceptivities of the participating persons * perceptivity of a person depends on the situation of the communication (rather than on "personality profiles" of the participating persons) application example: "crime" is not a question of "good" and "bad" but a question of conflict and (un)solution. (see for more) logical consequence is that it makes sense rather to speak about "situational profile(s) of crime(s)" (involving persons, of course) than of the "personality profile(s) of criminal(s)" 2nd application example: (intended) perceptivity gaps occur e.g. around "cheating" or harassing situations, mobbing and bossing (sometimes it is even "concepts" rather than just situations) (see "harassment concepts" for a very uncomplete fragment of thoughts around cheating and harassing. 3nd application example: hidden behind "cultural perception gaps" are often (situational, accidental) hierarchy problems; or a problem of (intended) "hierarchymaking" and "dependencemaking". now this one is not so simple: to the extents of closeness to the society basis (bases) -- of that hierarchy problem -- this becomes a problem of democratic development itself (in all involved societies of the "problematic situation"): each attempt to find solutions, even punctually, will be possibly torpedoed by the "partner(s)" of the (intended) "perceptional problem" in that specific problem point(s) of the situation, or the (accidental) problem will have at least multiple perception/gap aspects. when teams of negociators are involved, this leads to quite complex perception/gap/attempt/rejection/solution structures. (too complex to discuss it out fully, here. this is only a fragment) fragment, notes: (12/1999) situational perceptivity concept, comprehension <-> perceptivity ================================================================== monstrosity theater? post-empirismus: "wahr ist, was man den leuten einreden kann" (cf. feyerabend) konflikt: cf. blondel perceptivity: depends on situation (environment: things + persons + world view(s) etc.) person(s), i.e. (animus/anima combination(s) of self and environment by/of the persons in that environment, including "successful" and attempted e.g. suggestive influencing methods/elements to consciously control/block/widen another's (un)conscience by introducing/blocking play "rules", game "formalisms" controlling talking/conversation contents etc. -- all of these suggestive influencing methods/elements prevent from "pure" thinking, or reduce the "amount" of abstractive thinking in quality/quantity, respectively) communication infrastructure (situation, formal/nonformal relations, verbal/nonverbal language) communication disposition, i.e. will + ability pattern(s) (person, mastering and emotional relation to communication means, to environment, and to other persons) this massively implies language philosophy (cf. foucault, ferdinand de saussure, earlier humboldt) and phenomenology (cf. husserl, derrida) implied = deconstruction: basically, in every thought/concept a content is described positively (directly/indirectly, verbally/nonverbally, formally/unformally) and other content(s) are excluded without being mentioned (just by existence/way of expression of the positive content) = concept of "diffe'rence" (any identity includes its difference towards other identities) = concept of "trace" or "rail" (german: spur; a railway or carriage track eases transportation while leaving landscape environment aside; cf. levinas: "trace of difference" (german: spur der andersheit), considering a text as a tissue/texture never entirely "interpretable", because unformulated areas outside of formulated "traces" or "rails" are considered to be interrelated to each other in endless chains) from foucaul-.999 copied: (* comment: without entering a "truth" discourse, here, appearently humans feel very different things "true", "valid", "contradictionfree" or "reliable", depending on the density of humans and on hierarchical pressure they are exposed to -- but disregardable of the person those "values" seem to be similar or equal for humans in the same situation, i.e. density/hierarchical pressure etc., as different those "equalities" might be for different situations *end comment) 9911: ===== kant: "synthetisches vermoegen" => "einheit von sinnlichkeit + verstand" heidegger: "synthetisches vermoegen" (gefunden im begriff der) = transzendentale(n) einbildungskraft husserl: "sinnliche und kategoriale anschauungen" 1) foucault <> derrida: ======================= foucault = concept of "development" > "facticity" <> derrida = concept of "uncheatable facticity" (german: unhintergehbare faktizitaet") 2) husserl <> derrida: ====================== husserl = concept of a "purity of inner constellation" (german: reine innerlichkeit) <> derrida = concept of "contamination" > "purity" 3) DIMENSION of derrida's philosophy is strongly related to PHENOMENOLOGY, ============ but with opposite orientation to husserl (cf. above), i.e. contamination as an "incheatable facticity" rather than (foucault's) development and/of (husserl's) "purity of inner constellation" cit. katharina mai: husserl's concept of a "pure inner constellation" german: reine innerlichkeit) be "overcome" by a concept of "contamination" a) 1972, in "positions" (3 interviews), derrida explains == determinant influences on his thinking in general: hegel (dialectics) marx (marxism) freud + jacques lacan (psychoanalysis) ferdinand de saussure (semiologie) (de saussure is "structuralism" language philosopher also strongly related to foucault; cf. also humboldt's language theory) b) in "structure, sign and play in the discourse of the human sciences", == derrida describes the influences on his "deconstruction" concept: (X) i.e. freud: concept that the (conscient) "ego" is not the "lord" any more in the "own house" of the self (but an underlying unconscience controls i.e. limits/directs/diverts/widens/... conscience) nietzsche: concept of "play" and the interaction (german: verwickeltsein) of the reader/player in(to) the text/play (cf. derrida, "la disse'mination", 1972) heidegger: phenomenology of freedom; in early years studying theology and calling for "strong leaders" and "abrupt changes" (devoted to nazi germany until 1934), heidegger later analyzed "fuehrer principle" and the total(itarian) order state as a compensation of an inner nihilism and an entire emptiness, -- a similar nihilism problem is found again with religion philosopher and theologist karl rahner -- and even anticipated later ecology movements in speeches on "technology" and "turn", 1962 (ecology was a first begin of critics on technology and technocracy, on their worldwide destructive "rules" and hierarchies, 1970-80). c) 1967, in "l'ecriture et la difference", derrida had related his work == to the "theater of cruelty" of antonin artaud, to hegelian george bataille, to michel foucault et levinas ====================================================================== francois marie voltaire (arouet) 1694-1778, who would not consider himself as a philosopher but chose the form of cynism to formulate his thoughts into various publications around political philosophy and social analysis; voltaire became a main figure in eclairation (german: aufklaerung) ====================================================================== PHILOSOPHY: =========== if the assumption is true that philosophy basically always originates from questioning existing hierarchies (of persons or concepts) bringing negative emotional/rational experiences to the philosopher, then 2 conclusions follow: 1) considering the philosopher-hierarchy relation: 1a) hierarchically "positive" personal ... (german: praegung) leads to a "new" hierarchic personality (of the philosopher) and to a philosophy not really excluding (the "own", or positively experienced) hierarchies, i.e. hierarchic persons', thoughts' and concepts' structures are questioned but "new"/"own" hierarchic persons', thoughts' and concepts' structures are formed (cf. marxism: thesis + antithesis = synthesis) it might sound like a cynism, but hitler's attempt to erase jewish participation in life and economy might have been such an attempt to reduce hierarchies (where he saw them), while his own hierarchic personality and cooperation with war preparation of the hierarchic military led to one of the worst (counter-?) hierarchies in history) 1b) hierarchically "negative" personal ... (german: praegung) leads to questioning (the concept of) "hierarchy" itself, and to "attempts" to analyze/formulate (basically the same) questions and thoughts from a standpoint/horizon of reduced hierarchic view. -- why "attempts"? nobody really grows up without hierarchies, and this restriction determines or at least influences always the result of thinking: the most primitive hierarchy is hierarchy of age, from "getting sunlight" hierarchy of plants to "getting nurture/food" hierarchy of animals to ("primitive") hierarchies of (physically) "the stronger one" (cf. lynch justice and its "modern" counterpart, legal killing, "death penalty", "capital punishment", kz camps, jails etc., provided by a "police" and "justice" system FORMED BY HUMANS/PERSONS who put into "reality" the process until (personal, monetary, or whatever) execution in forms mostly TOO COMPLICATED TO SEE THROUGH (i.e. through every single personal interaction of those humans/persons who are not a bit better than previous obvious physical violence, of course, because they are simply (X) human persons, too, but who claim recognition and income from taxes under pretext/reason of acting "legally") to (contemporary, mostly inconscious) hierarchies of other structures mostly felt "adequate", "justified" or "right" (e.g. legal hierarchies, monetary hierarchies, social hierarchies, and/or their interactions which are by far not easily seen through, if seen through at all: (X) -- this is not a plaidoyer for introducing "computer judges": it is obvious that a pure mechanic execution of physical, mental or other violence of body, soul, spirit or other constellation(s) would not be better but just NOT human, call it UNhuman or INhuman!, as long as counter-violence-concepts like "justice" and "punishment" prevail, although reproducibility of computers/robots brought good experiences when creating "positive" concepts: a computer phone application or a welding robot simply cannot do else but handling a phone call or a weld: the difference to radical religious concepts is, that humans persistenty (try to) impose(d) restrictions to other humans by respective "legal" physical violence: cf. catholic inquisition 1000 years ago, or islamic radicalism today or "war religions" dominating europe/1940ies, korea/1950ies, vietnam/1960ies, cambodia/1970ies, africa/1980ies-1990ies, and europe again. 2) considering the philosophy-society relation regardless of social structure: if the above onclusions are true -- where esp. 1a) should not be misunderstood as an depreciation of philosophers to be "querulant" objects of mobbing who take revenge with intellectual means -- then a very discomfortable thought would be the consequence, i.e. 2a) that the combination of hierarchically "positive" personalities and intellectual output would solely be the result of negative experiences of the philosopher with ruling hierarchies, either wanted by mobbing (to produce formulation for further suppression) or unwanted (in the sense of democratic opposition or dissidents) -- this would mean that the most dangerous "time bomb" for democratic basis and life of a society exists in its school system, where teachers usually are only employed when they are extremely loyal to prevailing hierarchies of "public" employers' and parents' structures, this misrelation still sharpened by usual job shortness effects such as "competition" for (not enough) jobs, while their pushing production of intellectual output (of their students) creates further vicious circles (german: teufelskreis) of hierarchies with their inherent (anti-demcratic)> effects. 2b) that philosophers become only then (known) philosophers, if their work either seizes and "speaks out of the soul" of "enough" people (reading and communicating their work) -- being "enough" under hierarchic pressure themselves, i.e. preferredly in anti-democratic periods, dictatorships, absolute monarchies etc. -- or if their work or personalities puts (key figures themselves, of) reigning "ruling" hierarchies under fear and pressure for some actual or weird reason -- otherwise those would, step by step, ignore, or ridiculize, or suppress philosophers and other intellectuals by either censoring their intellectual output or by personal suppression (damaging personal credibility, sympathy "accounts" etc.): cf. the "case" of medical doctor Ignaz Semmelweis ca. 100 years ago who "landed" in a closed psychiatric clinic, having recommended to his colleagues to wash their hands after work on dead bodies in anatomy section rooms when walking over to birth rooms: this later lowered deadly blood poisoning of women giving birth, and of their babies, by 50% at that time, but recognition came still much later, while Semmelweis' advice obviously first led to enemyship of hierarchies of "colleagues" ... 3) the real sad thing comes now: if those assumptions and conclusions are true within statistical "truth" probabilities (i.e. with "mean value", standard deviation, and "exception from the rule" considerations as any "truth" in science) then (of course these lines are subject to the hierarchy influence, too, "positively" or negatively) this would mean that no philosophy so far would (have) exist(ed) for the sake of alterating oneself, o.s.'s thinking nor thinking frames, but that almost all philosophical output is initiated by hierarchy pressure, either consciously with defined purpose (in the sense of an "advocatus diaboli" tom-and-jerry-game) or by accident (unwanted or unconsciously initiated) leading to thinking (frames) where thinking originally was undesired. except if there is a logical error in this above chain, this would mean that humans "in power" (politics) should opt for a quick reduction of the (still in modern) society cheat basis they live from: because if one more logical step (of analogy) is true, then earlier or later the logical development of thinking will go from "religion(s)" to "eclairation" and "philosophy" to (analytic, logical, "philosophical") thinking as a common property of practically all humans. (cf. development qualities and speeds of mechanical energy, transportation, communication, sciences etc. from inquisition to internet) since even longterm cheating concepts in human interaction (from "politics" to "laws" to "markets") have an end of their life cycles, "cheaters beware" will come perhaps quicker than expected: jean baudrillard (1929- ) states that "power donates life" and that "economy makes slaves to workers", where power and economy exist only as long as death is delayed. killing the "undesired" (physically, spiritually, mentally, monetary etc.) does not extinguish the "undesired" at all (cf. hitler + his view of jews) but makes problems conscient. (cf. martyrs) and thinking workers as well as thinking slaves (or their modern counterparts, "subcontractors") earlier or later seize their suppressors. historically there is a strong example in this ceased 20th century: beside german military war preparation and the catastrophic hierarchy (anti-democratic) situation 1918-38, theodor herzl's concept of a jewish national state (1901-1904, then continued to a jewish renaissance movement) could easily have been an additional thrive to nazi strength -- i.e. a thrust to "defend catholic europe" against non-catholics, thereby giving the nazis broad (catholic = mass media in churches) infrastructure support, without which hitler might have only continues his speeches at pub beer tables. (cf. martin buber, 1878-1965, on chassidism, bible, and language philosophers johann georg hamann, soeren kierkegaard, ludwig feuerbach and georg simmel) ====================================================================== children: contemporary slaves (of soul violence) -- a child's creativity could initiate the greatest developments, ("why can't you carry a phone or a radio like a watch at your arm?") but will never get a cent of payment for that. -- mechanism is recognition exploitation (seeking recognition by adults in the insecure emotional world of a child -- insecured consciously by adults -- moreover is additionally exploited arbitrarily by adults and their increasing pressure onto childs, increasing further children's emotional insecurity thereby) ====================================================================== (which the philosopher experiences personally, emotionally and/or rationally, and negatively). various philosophers go through various developments. ====================================================================== "inherited" =========== <=> "reducing" an individual person onto the level/horizon/environment of that person's parents/family ("reducing" is chosen as an appropriate expression, because the following deals with social effects where a parents'/family's level/horizon/environment is used to impose r e s t r i c t i o n s on that person, such as dependence directly, or restrictions as basis for other purposes e.g. starting with dependencemaking before coming to the purpose itself). THEORIES of "inherited" properties (diseases, mental or character properties, social environment problematics etc.): no wonder that credibility was achieved by such nonsense -- one of the most "important" elements of dependencemaking is hierarchymaking, -- and hierarchymaking is not only an element to prevent democratic development, it is also an important "tool" of dependencemaking, because e.g. mobbing as one "tool" of dependencemaking is much simpler if the actual "doing" can be delegated (and delegation works only if some sort of at least functional hierarchy is present, e.g. with "excuse" of a "work" purpose) -- and the oldest (and most primitive, though most efficient) hierarchy(making method) is age hierarchy -- and the oldest (and still 100% established, with esp. children hardly to escape) age hierarchy is being exposed to parents. putting these thoughts into context implies consciousness by either (at least one of) the persons socially participating in the above social mechanisms, (e.g. any of the hierarchy members for any personal reason), or (at least one of) the persons(s) establishing/operating the whole structure (consisting of the persons socially participating in the above social mechanisms). 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