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Welcome To the Lair of Goddess Anya

If your here, you might as well go here, it is my new website and it is constructed much better. This one still has more than the other, so check out both. Have fun!!

"The wings of the flame engulf my spirit and deny me of my sanity"


Hello. My computer name is Anya. My real name is Veniice Smolden. Allow me to explain the origin of Anya. In my kingdom, Anya is a black widow and is Goddess of the Arachnids. The computer named me after her.

Now that that question is taken care of. We may get started on the task at present. This webpage was made for the purpose of showing you some of my friends and my literary work. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as we enjoy writing it. I also have some portions that display my beliefs and other opinions of my own. As I progress in my effort to familiarize myself with the creation of my page. Hopefully I will be able to include more pictures and maybe even some background music. For now, we'll just have to deal with text and some graphics. Lol.

I should probably tell you a little about myself. Well, at the present time I am fifteen. I have fire red hair and brown eyes. I weigh 125lb and am 5'6. I'm not astroundingly beautiful at all, I'm more... different. I have this obsession with the night sky and I have this little moon jewelry that I wear all the time. If you want to know more about my obsession and why it has come to be. You can check out my religious beliefs later in this page.

Well, I believe I've wasted enought time on this intro, so know, go have fun with the other pages. ;)

Make Sure to Sign my Dreambook!!

Read my Dreambook!
my Dreambook! < /font> < /td>
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I just got a yahoo pager! My identity is anya_88

Areas On My Page

My poetry page
Cool Links
Thoughts on Religion
Just Me Rambling, Basically, A cry for help
