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ABC Awards

2004 Friendship Awards

Friendship Archway Hall of Fame AwardsÔ


In ancient times, archways were erected in Asia to publicly recognize a major contribution to society. It was a supreme honor, given to individuals who had served their community well. Through the ages, archways were built in different colors and sizes, symbolizing different levels of service. To be worthy of an arch was the aspiration of anyone who dreamt of success. Washington D.C.'s Friendship Archway is the largest single-span Chinese archway in the world. It is a strong visual image reflecting traditional Asian value of friendship combined with western technology. Erected in 1986 in the heart of downtown Washington D.C. at 7th and H streets N.W., the archway symbolizes not only the friendship between the "sister cities" of Beijing and D.C., but it also symbolizes the spirit of joy and friendship among people of diverse backgrounds.

The Friendship Archway Hall of Fame AwardsÔ, created in 1997 and co-sponsored by Allies Building Community Inc. (A.B.C.) and Award International Inc. annually, is associated with outstanding community service, personal achievements and contributions. The names of 2002 and 2003 Archway Award recipients and honorees are listed in archway domains (under development) and related abc websites by A.B.C. volunteers (see The 2004 Friendship Archway Awards will be presented by Allies Building Community Inc. (A.B.C.) and The Chinatown Steering Committee (the Chinatown leadership committee in downtown Wash. D.C.). The award ceremony and dinner will be held in Washington D.C. near the Friendship Archway monument at Tony Cheng's Seafood Restaurant on Tuesday evening, 6:30PM, November 9, 2004. The Archway Awards were designed by Amerasia T. Liu with frames and input provided by Ruth Wong. The Friendship Archway leads to a new spirit in human development, both the individual and community. It leads to a holistic "archway" approach to achieving the greatest fulfillment of human potential and aspirations for a better future for all. It is an alternative approach to world peace, prosperity and progress.

How is this done? The Friendship Archway spirit sees the development of joy, friendship and prosperity as a three-part process: (l) Inner awareness and appreciation leading to healthier self-acceptance, self-love, a sense of joy, peace and enlightenment. (2) Outer relationship development by participating in ConversationsnetÔ networking, sharing, trust-building and A.B.C. workshop programs, thus creating "a beautiful community" from "beautiful people." (3) Financial success and prosperity programs providing security and enhanced ability to not only take care of oneself, one's immediate family and friends, but also to support, assist, contribute to others and world peace, prosperity and progress.

Success is seen not in financial terms alone but in the ultimate goal of combining inner development (joy) with harmonious outer relationship (friendship) in community-building so that all achieve economic success (prosperity). These three are all inter-related and inter-linked (joy, friendship and prosperity) in archway programs and models to achieve the highest human, economic and community potential, locally and globally.

How can I participate? A.B.C. programs have been ongoing for over four decades under the umbrella of A.B.C. (Allies Building Community Inc. (A.B.C.)) formerly also known as Asian Benevolent Corps. The mission of A Beautiful Community in D.C. ("ABC-DC") is to build a beautiful community of allies and friends of diverse backgrounds, sharing joy, friendship and prosperity as a model for economic, human and community development. To be invited, just enter your name and email on Award's Invitation List, an online database developed by Jordan Xu, Everyone is welcome. Email to or or Tel: 202-625-2244 Volunteers' Call Center. To reconfirm events, call ABC's announcement line: (202) 496-1555. Archway committee meetings, study groups, ConversationsnetÔ and A.B.C. programs are normally held at 2423 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, first floor conference room, Washington D.C.unless another location is provided. For over four decades, A.B.C. has been an all volunteer grassroots organization.

copyright Ó 2003 by Award International Inc. Permission granted for nonprofit purposes if source acknowledged in writing.