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Tendinitis: [tennis elbow, carpal tunnel syndrome, repetitive strain injury, etc.]


What is Tendinitis?



The Wrist Brace/Splint

Things That Aggravate Severe Tendinitis

Understanding Pain


Increasing Endurance

Strengthening Activities

Regular Breaks

A Case History


This site is under construction!! Currently there is some inaccurate information presented here!! Come back later.

This site is not currently completed, although there is already a considerable amount of useful information here. A proper introduction has not been completed yet. I will quickly say that many people either do not recover, or do not completely recover, from this problem. However, I think that in a great many of these cases the lack of recovery is due to a lack of knowledge about the problem. Even very qualified medical practitioners, including those who specialise in this field, may not be able to give you as many advice/pointers as someone who has experienced this problem firsthand. If your injury is severe, even the smallest detail can mean the difference between getting better and getting worse.

I am a musician who developed my own case of tendinitis, which was very severe, by allowing excessive timeframes on music practice and video games. Please feel free to start this site at the section called "what is tendinitis?"

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All text copyright James Gordon Ecclestone 2004