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Tendinitis: [tennis elbow, carpal tunnel syndrome, repetitive strain injury, etc.]


What is Tendinitis?



The Wrist Brace/Splint

Things That Aggravate Severe Tendinitis

Understanding Pain


Increasing Endurance

Regular Breaks

Strengthening Activities

A Case History

The Wrist Brace/Splint

These devices can be very helpful and are necessary for healing tendinitis when the injury is at an early or problematic stage. A wrist brace or splint is especially useful for walking and sleeping. If you have recovered at least 40° of your flexibility you may not need to use this though. The wrist brace or splint is practically indispensable when trying to heal from carpal tunnel syndrome, although I've heard many different tendinitis sufferers with different forms of the injury say it was necessary for their recovery.

Personally, I found that, for a while, using wrist braces made my injury worse as constantly taking them on and off and adjusting the straps aggravated the tendinitis in my hands and wrists. There were two reasons for me having to take them on and off a lot. One was that I was doing a lot of dishes during the day, but [sadly] eventually I switched to disposable dishes and a mostly sandwiches-only diet during the worst stages of the injury. The other reason was that my first wrist splints were of terrible quality. They were black and red and made by the company Tensor. The Velcro flaps were very low-quality and after a month they wouldn't stay closed anymore. If you buy a wrist brace, buy a high-quality one and make sure that the two sides of the Velcro are actual Velcro and not some cheap material. It's unfortunate that the Velcro on the Tensor braces was of such low-quality because the actual design for the shape and fit of this brace is quite effective and comfortable.

Another company called Pavis makes a wrist splint should called New EDGE Line which has very good Velcro, but its overall shape and fit is not 100% effective in stabilizing your arm in an ergonomic position. This was something that the Tensor braces were very good at, even though they just didn't last very long.

I will offer two statements that are personal opinions which I think to be worth considering. First, never put on the wrist brace too tightly or you will decrease circulation and aggravate your injury further. Second, if you have to use this continually throughout your life, you probably aren't taking care of your injury properly.

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All text copyright James Gordon Ecclestone 2004