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My Grandbaby is Here!

Naomi, you were born on June 22, 2000 at 11:20 am.
Your daddy and I were very relieved that you arrived healthy and strong (nine pounds, two ounces and 22 1/4 inches long) after a night of wait and worry. But your mommy is the one who did all the work.

Naomi is Hebrew for delightful.
Naomi's middle name is Giramata, which is African for milk-giver.

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Grandma's Diary

February 22, 2002. We talk on the phone nearly every day. When it rings, you run to pick it up first. When your mommy is talking to me, you are hollering, HI! HI! HI! in the background. When she finally hands you the phone, you shyly babble about your day. You go HA! HA! if I get goofy. Your mom has to compete edgewise to get her conversation in.

December 7, 2001. You are walking and talking. You clump along with great and deliberate strides, like you are in a big hurry to catch up to daddy. Through your eyes, the whole world is a wonder. You stop for tinsel. Tonight I take you to see Chrismas. Your first words:

  • "da" for dad
  • "ma" for mom
  • "apo" for apple - first two syllable!
  • "ga" for grandma (see a pattern forming?)
  • "oh, sha!" (for nasty surprises)
  • second sentence, "pease da".

May 20, 2001. You are learning to walk (at least from furniture to furniture), and really starting to give your mom a run for her money. Your curly hair sticks out all over now. And you love to make people laugh. Ha, Ha! are your favorite words, and you pucker and smack your lips to strangers. Beware if they try to pick you up, though!

August 31, 2000 I can hear you cooing and gurgling on the phone. Mom is sure you are warming up for a good cry. I think you are practicing your wonderful voice. It sure is a lusty one.

June 9, 2000. Today, little one, I can hardly wait for you to get here. Art and I painted the stairwell last week, and the carpet and lino your mommy picked out is installed and looking great. Your Daddy and Grandpa put in the baseboards. I have painted the old dresser (almost 30 years old already) white for all the clothes your mommy has been getting for you. Soon you will be crawling and scrawling and spitting up all over our hard work.

As it should be. Babies are the most wonderful of God's creation.

May 10, 2000

Not long now, little one. I am packing my bag so I can be at your mother's side in a moment. Here is a french lullaby I learned from your father:

Fait dodo
Naiomi ma petit fille,
fait dodo
t'aura des bonbons

Ma petit bebe' you have been loved and desired from the moment you were discovered.

It is a marvel that my petite girl found room for you to grow, but there you are - a plump belly already fluttering with activity.

Your activity has us all hopping to get ready. I have been busy painting and fixing the house for you, as have your parents. You also have great grandmas and grandpapas, an uncle, great aunts and uncles, and me your grandmama looking out for you.

Already you have a little room set aside just for you, with a change table and a crib on the way.

I can hardly wait for you to come, so I can cuddle you close. But I must wait my turn, of course.

I will behave myself around your momma, and help her the way she needs me to be. Fussing with the housework and cooking up meals, so she and poppa can grow close to you.

But I will be there, always there, sending loving thoughts your way wherever I might be.

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