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April 28
Happy Birthday Veejay!

April 5
Happy Birthday Nadine!

March 25
Happy Birthday Sarah!

February 23
After 8 months of hardwork, all 17 COLTs get their reward. The CAT Graduation opens up to the newly appointed CAT Officers (*X-FOST.T)

Bn Corps Commander: Cdt. COLT Alcoriza NJAL
Bn S1 Adjutant: Cdt. COLT Villanueva MJM
*Bn S2 Intelligence Officer: Cdtte. COLT Tappan SGR
*Bn S3 Training & Operation Officer: Cdtte. COLT Castillo RL
*Bn S4 Supply & Finance Officer: Cdtte. COLT Calavera MV
Alpha Company Commander: Cdt. COLT Sencida GRC
Bravo Company Commander: Cdtte. COLT de Guzman GMG
*Alpha Executive Officer: Cdt. COLT Floresca VJR
*Bravo Executive Officer: Cdtte. COLT Hernandez RMM
Alpha 1st Platoon Leader: Cdtte. COLT Davadilla MC
*Alpha 2nd Platoon Leader: Cdtte. COLT Macaya LME
*Bravo 1st Platoon Leader:: Cdtte. COLT Manongdo AA
*Bravo 2nd Platoon Leader: Cdtte. COLT Marquez SR
Color Officer: Cdtte. COLT Tobias GB
Band Officer: Cdt. COLT Cacatian JRAA
*Provost Marshall Officer: Cdtte. COLT Ibasco SMJ
Bn Clerk: Cdtte. COLT Marajas MA

January 18-21
CAT Camping at Bato Springs, San Pablo, Laguna

November 16
Election of Junior Organization Officers today! Out of 13 offices, 12 is taken by the COLTs. (* X-FOST.T)

President: Neil JnArt Alcoriza
*Vice President Religious: Roxanne Castillo
*Vice President Social: Sweet Tappan
*Secretary: Sarah May Ibasco
*Treasurer: Renelyn Hernandez
*Associate Secretary: Mheldy Calavera
*Associate Treasurer: Vic Josmar Floresca
*PIO: Sheena Marquez
Auditor: Gerald Ray Sencida
Parliamentarians: Mark Jeshone Villanueva & *Angel Manongdo
Artists: Flas Floresta & *Lei Marie Macaya

November 2
Happy 15th Birthday Sheena!

October 20
Second Semester Student Association Elections Today! Renelyn Hernandez wins for Artist.

September 15
Judgment Day today for the aspiring Cadets and Cadettes! All of us pass the first challenge: (* X-FOST.T)

*1st Pick: Cdtte. COLT Tappan SGR
*2nd Pick: Cdtte. COLT Calavera MV
3rd Pick: Cdt. COLT Alcoriza NJAL
4th Pick: Cdt. COLT Villanueva MJM
*5th Pick: Cdtte. COLT Castillo RL
*6th Pick: Cdtte. COLT Hernandez RMM
*7th Pick: Cdtte. COLT Manongdo AA
*8th Pick: Cdtte. COLT Macaya LME
9th Pick: Cdtte. COLT Davadilla MC
10th Pick: Cdt. COLT Sencida GRC
11th Pick: Cdtte. COLT de Guzman GMG
*12th Pick: Cdt. COLT Floresca VJR
*13th Pick: Cdtte. COLT Marquez SR
*14th Pick: Cdtte. COLT Ibasco SMJ
15th Pick: Cdtte. COLT Tobias GB
16th Pick: Cdt. COLT Cacatian JRAA
17th Pick: Cdtte. COLT Marajas MA

Congratulations to all!

September 1
Happy 15th Birthday Myra! Today is the BIG, BAD BATTERY TEST!

July 16
Happy 14th Birthday Sweet!

July 15
Ministirial Association elections today! Lei Marie Macaya wins for Artist. Congratulations!

July 4-6
A 3-day vacation for us due to a strong typhoon that came up. It wasn't actually a vacation though, since most of us were busy working on our endless assignment for our Aspirant training.

June 28
Our very own Shey Morena leaves the band and (finally) decides to be a school Minorette. Good Luck!

June 23
The winners of the Student Association body are announced! Four out of our six candidates won: Mheldy Calavera, Sarah Ibasco, Sweet Tappan and Roxanne Castillo. Congratulations!

June 22
Candidates for PCA's Student Association are presented. Several X-FOST.T's decide to run for certain minor offices, since major positions are intended for seniors. They are the following: Renelyn Hernandez for Associate Secretary, Veejay Floresca for Associate Treasurer, Sarah Ibasco for Auditor, Mheldy Calavera for PIO, Sweet Tappan for Parliamentarian and Roxanne Castillo for Artist. So the High school students vote for the Student Association body.

June 16
Another CAT-Aspirant Training comes. During the training, 30 pumpings for girls, 30 push-ups for boys, and a 5-minute squat for all are ordered. Who knows what's next, next Friday.

June 15
The election of Class Officers takes place. A number of X-FOST.T members were elected and they are as follows:

Section A:
PRESIDENT: Sweet Garllie Tappan

Section B:
PRESIDENT: Roxanne Castillo
SECRETARY: Mheldy Calavera
TREASURER: Renelyn Hernandez

Congratulations to all!

June 9
CAT (Citizen Army Training) begins. The Aspirants for COLT are instructed. All X-FOST.T members decide to take the challenge, except for Shey Morena, who plays the lyre for the band.

June 6
Class Sections are given. Section A: Sarah Ibasco, Angel Manongdo, Sheena Marquez and Sweet Tappan, under Mr. Ralph Pantalunan.
Then VeeJay Floresca, Roxanne Castillo, Mheldy Calavera, Shey Morena, Len Hernandez and Lei Marie Macaya are on Section B under Mrs. Prescy Sarasadiaz.

June 5
First day of classes start! Unfortunately, some of us transferred schools like Ana Matundan to Pasay Alliance, Nadine Bosch to St. Mary's of Woods, Vev Cordero to LAA, and Rachel Sales to AUP.