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Sarah,Mirabelle,Lei Marie in 1995    It all started in 1995, when 4th grader best friends Sarah May Ibasco and Mirabelle Laureles, from Pasay City Academy, gladly took in Lei Marie Macaya (who was recently parted from a best friend), as one of their best friends too. Then there was Rachel Sales, another 4th grader who was once again gladly welcomed by the 3. Eventually, they all got along very well. Things definitely did not stop there. This was just the beginning of a timeless friendship, which I can say, is incomparable.

At the Campus   So in 1996, these 4 now came as 5th graders, all looking forward to a good start. Transferee Genevieve Cordero came in, and you guessed it right, she became part of the group too. Now that they're 5, things became more fun until Mirabelle had to leave for the States. Though this had to happen and make them lose a great friend, the 4 decided they had to move on, realizing that though she's far away, they'll always be friends and there for each other, and nothing can change that. So time passed, and nevertheless, there they were, the foursome, still going strong.

At the Union Compound with Masterguide Abdiel   6th grade comes in, and a whole new outlook refreshes them, a more mature and grown up perspective. A whole new batch joins in: Nadine Bosch & Genevieve Mendez (both transferees), and Rachere Morena, Sheena Marquez, Sweet Garllie Tappan, Angel Manongdo, Angeli Payumo, Myra Mateo, all co-elementary classmates from the same school, Pasay City Academy. Oh, and how can anyone forget, part of the addition was Vic Josmar Floresca, practically the first and only guy in the gang, which makes him the complete 'gentleman'.

March 29,1998, Our Graduation

  During this year, they graduated as batch 1997-1998, with flying honors.

September 18th, during the X-FOST.T's 4th Year Anniversary

  Eventually, high school came. And in 1999, they were the freshmen of Pasay City Academy's High School Department. Three transferees and an elementary classmate were the new additions, namely Mheldy Calavera, Ana Katrina Matundan, Mary Grace Domingo and Renelyn Marie Hernandez, respectively. This year marks a special milestone for the group because it was when Veejay finally came up with a group name, X-FOST.T, which means, X-traordinary, Friendly, Outstanding, Thoughtful & Terrific, a name still used until the present.

As Pathfinders at Camping 2000  Then the new millennium comes, year 2000, and the newest addition hops in, Roxanne Castillo. During this same year, a few uninvited events took place when the two Genevieve's of the group had to transfer schools in the middle of the school year. This year was a tough one for the batch since a lot of difficult, complicated and on-the-spot challenges faced them, which beneficially served as a teaching experience for all. So things got better inevitably.

IntramuralsAfter all those years of togetherness, there were a lot of happy times, which are unforgettable, and also trials, which we thought we'd never get through. We can't say that our friendship is perfect and spotless, since we did have times when we didn't get along and agree with some matters. But no matter how many challenges we've faced, we are still together and always there for each other, though some of us are far apart. This made us realize what friendship really is all about, a bond which keeps you together no matter what happens, through thick & thin, laughter & tears, and merriment & misfortune.