Good Afternoon and Welcome to The Happy Hour

You know what I hate? Soaps and girls who love N'Sync and Backstreet boys. Yeah. Anyways.
Happy Hour takes place in my most favorite place this afternoon. Among the flowers. With the little musical(very musical) little creatures. Would you believe? A certain "bigone" actually drowned some of them? Because he had some certain places bitten. I am gonna do a lil interveiw. Careful where you step. Official Purity Test

I got sick of that. I didn't wanna do an interview nanymore. I am so fucking bored. "I came into this world as a reject, look into these eyes, then you'll see the size of......(I dont even know what they say. lol)" I've been on here...forever. wanna know some of my weird things? lol. naw. you dont wanna know. lalalalalalala. i really did just sing that. today some adult told me that i should remember to get my hat made bigger so that it doesn't grow to my head as i get older. lol. oookay. so i wear my hat alot. i wear panties alot too. hehe. and get this. i wear my bra almost ALL the time! Cept for sometimes.i seriously need some cash. if you got some me...
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