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    The New Science Teacher's
Web Page

Mr. Jones, Science 7
Mount Markham Middle School

Welcome to

The purpose of this site
is to provide Middle School students, their parents, and teachers with a
general reference area on science topics,
especially those studied in middle school science classes.
So follow the links below and have fun!
* sites are especially student recommended fun sites for students

Notes & More...
Find our class notes
Part 1
Part 2

Teachers - be sure to visit the Teacher Resource links.

Find out more about Mr. Jones here.

If you find some of these sites that don't work, or if you find other good science sites
that you think I should share, e-mail at

Science News General Science
Little Things Plants and Animals
Human Body Evolution & Ecology
Astronomy Physical Science
Earth Science Teacher Resources
Science News
Science News - the weekly newsmagazine of science - a great resource for science teachers
Science Daily - your link to daily research news - another great resource for science teachers
The New York Times Science - full text articles, take the time to register, it's worth it! Science Index - the most detailed science network news site
Discovery Online - The Discovery Channel and much more, from news to web features
General Science
*The Yuckiest Site on the Internet - your best place for disgusting critters and information about "your gross and cool body"
*BJ Pinchbeck's Homework Helper - an outstanding site with links to a wide variety of topics
*Extreme Science - biggest, fastest, strongest, feed your brain, you'll love it
*The Exploratorium - more great on-line exhibits and interactive projects for kids, includes dissecting a sheep brain and the science of baseball
National Geographic Society - from maps and kids stuff to featured articles and more, a must see site
The Smithsonian Institute - our national museum, great on line exhibits
American Museum of Natural History - visit the site, visit the museum in New York City
The Amazing Randi - absolutely the best at discrediting psychics and claims of the paranormal
CyberTimes Navigator - The journalists resource at the New York Times
NSTA Science and Math Links
Little Things
*Microbe World - discover the invisible world of the microbe
*The Microbe Zoo - pictures and facts about your favorite microscopic life
*Steve Durr's Homepage - excellent photography through the microscope, informative labels accompany photos
*Dennis Kunkel's Microscopy- more great microphotos, from blood cells to bugs
*Fun Facts About Fungi - join a real "fun guy" for loads of detailed information
*BioMEDIA - great photos and info on mostly "little things"
Scanning Electron Microscope - images of all kinds, weird stuff and bugs alike
CELLS alive! - real photos, and super details
The Human Genome Project - scientific research to read all the genes in human DNA
Plants and Animals
*FrogGuts - The best interactive frog dissection - yes, dissect a frog on-line
*Dino Russ's Lair - a super popular site on dinosaurs
*Aqualink - everything about your aquarium, from goldfish to saltwater tanks
*The Electronic Zoo - more than just classification and displays, with lots of veterinary info
The Strawberry Geranium- our local garden shop site, great resources, especially "garden school"
Survey of the Plant Kingdom - fairly technical but very complete self guided tour of plant classification
Dinosauria On-Line - a most detailed web site on dinosaurs
WhaleNet at Wheelock College, Boston - as much as you want to know about whales
Human Body
*Your Gross and Cool Body - super information on your body from the Yuckiest Site
*Kids - excellent infomation for kids about your body, from structure, illness, and feelings
Intelihealth - timely health topics and loads of medical info from Harvard Medical School
Mayo Clinic Health Oasis - an excellent site for health questions and answers
Web MD - a complete health and medical guide including news and an extensive library
The Anatomist Project - computer images like dissecting a human body
The Visible Human Project - see photos of real sections through the body
*Human Evolution for Kids - outstanding explanation and activities from
*Becoming Human - from the Institute of Human Origins, "journey through the story of human evolution," a Webby "Best Science Site," includes a learning center
Talk Origins Archive - dedicatated to the scientific study of human origins
*G.O.R.P - the Great Outdoor Recreation Pages - places to go, things to do
National Center for Science Education - supports the teaching of evolution
Teaching About Evolution - why teach evolution, research and activities
Museum of Paleontology, Berkeley - all about fossils, geologic time periods, and more
Environmental Education Links - resources, organizations, activities and more
The Endangered Species Home Page - updates, geographic listings and more
*NASA Is My Playground - NASA for kids with activities and more
The Nine Planets - photographs, statistics, myths and legends, history and more
NASA Homepage - from shuttle schedules to research, general NASA info and much more
Physical Science
*Physical Science on the Web - excellent resource from an 8th grade physical science teacher
*The Mad Scientist Home Page - from good stuff for research to plenty of cool links
*Energy Quest - adventures in energy education from the California Energy Commission
The Scientist Hobbyists Page - like the Mad Sci, but with more cool links
Fizzics Fizzle - great experiments and demonstrations
Web Elements - periodic table on the web
How Things Work - get answers to your questions on "How Things Work"
Earth Science
*Geology WebDoGs - great geology links from University of Kentucky, Geology Dept.
*NOAA Education Web Site - great resources from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
*Earth Science Explorer - a dinosaur escorts you around various earth science exhibits
*The New York Earth Science Teacher - excellent resource for students as well as teachers
Volcano World - loads of volcanic information
Teacher Resources

Mount Markham Middle School - the place where 7th grade science really happens
Discovery School - the educational portion of the Discovery Channel site
K12 Science - from the Center for Improving Engineering and Science Education - from classroom projects and educational links to online grad courses, another excellent education site
BigChalk - "online learning resources for educators and their students" - another excellent site ranging from lesson plans to homework helper, for all subjects
Science Daily - best link for science teachers to daily research newsNY Times Learning Network - top level educational resources for many subjects
FREE - Federal Resources for Educational Excellence - outstanding cite for lesson plans & more
Kathy Schrock's Guide to Educators - activities and resources for teachers of all subjects
Teachers First - web links, lesson plans and more, highly recommended for ALL teachers - 6200 lesson plans and many more resources
ALA Resources for Parents, Teachers, and Kids - from notable books to web links and resources, this is a "must see" site from the American Library Association
National Science Teachers' Association - lesson ideas and much more
MiddleWeb - Exploring the middle level education
Clayville Library Association - serving the Village of Clayville and the Town of Paris
Mohawk Valley Cybervillage - the best guide for Central New York and the Mohawk Valley
Cartoons for Educators - entertainment for teachers of all ages
National Science Foundation - "where discoveries begin," news, grants, programs and more
New York State United Teachers - our state level teachers union
The American Federation of Teachers - our national level teachers union

For enjoyment, activities, and information you can actually hold in your hand
Visit your local library!

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