Funding For Schools

Funding For Schools

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Story by: Yves Adele Harlow Reporter

In our state, there is supposedly school funding. How much of it actually helps? I’ve done some research and found that the money that the school gets and the money that is made from fund-raising go to computers, software, pencils, and paper.

What good does any of that do when windows are broken, falling out, and letting rain seep in? The school is falling apart and here they are buying computers. Now where are the computers? We have old computers and when something is wrong with them, maintenance doesn’t come to fix it, no one is sent for to fix it, and the computer will sit there forever being unused. Teachers have to save their own money to buy whatever the computer needs. The computers are slower than turtles and supposedly they are new. Isn’t the school district supposed to be getting new computers or are they trying to fool everyone?

There are two high schools in Taylortucky. One has a good heating system and the other has good air conditioning. One middle school that I know of has only the heating system. Yet all of the schools have both heating and air conditioning systems in their offices, but not in the rest of the school. Why? Why don’t the big shots suffer with us?

The pencil sharpeners are falling out of the wall and maintenance won’t come to fix them. It makes me wonder what they are being paid for? The screws in some chairs are coming loose and some are ripping pants if students aren't careful. Why should students have to watch how they sit down? They shouldn’t have to worry about a brand new pair of jeans ripping because of a chair that hasn’t been fixed since the start of the year. Maintenance won’t fix that either. I could go on forever about all the things wrong with Taylortucky High, but I’ll stop there.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not blaming teachers. Teachers are complaining too and they tell us to get our parents to contact the school board. I’m not blaming maintenance either…well, yes I am, but it’s mostly someone else’s fault. The administration. The big guys. They are the ones who don’t make the maintenance do their job and won’t get anyone to fix these things. Some of them have really nice cars if you catch my drift.

Nevertheless, I found out that the Taylortucky school district doesn’t get a lot of money for the schools from the state and that’s why we have to have fund-raisers. But I just don’t understand why they would be worrying about pencils and paper if windows are falling out. Personally, I would rather not have to worry about windows falling on me than about not having paper.

If you think the high schools sound bad, you should see the middle schools. They’re worse especially because students will only be there two years, so parents don’t feel that they have to give a lot of money. But you’d think some money would at least fix a pencil sharpener. It’s ridiculous. Somebody should do something about it or take charge. Something has got to be done.

If this is happening at your school, do as the teachers at Taylortucky High say and talk to your school board. Most likely they will do something about it.