Ring Gets Embedded In Finger

Ring Gets Embedded In Finger

Back To The Watchers Connection

Story by: Yves Adele Harlow Reporter

Yesterday (4/28/01), during C lunch, a sophomore by the name of Christine Delom and a junior named Allison Carver got into a little fight. You know the kind where they’re just joking around? That’s what happened, but this time there was trouble.

Carver had done a clothesline move, a move from professional wrestling, and knocked Delom to the ground on her side. Delom fell in just the right way that the ring she was wearing got embedded in her finger. Don’t worry though. The ring didn’t go too far in and it only made a little cut in her skin. There was not any great loss of blood.

Delom was taken to the office and today she was wearing a Band-Aid. Nothing drastic had happened and since they were only messing around, Carver only got a detention.