Religious Discrimination

Religious Discrimination

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Story by: Lucilla Phoenix -Reporter

Religious discrimination is a major problem in the world today, it’s been effecting many for a long time, and now with the events of September 11th there is a new religion being targeted for discrimination.

I find it awful that people can say that all Muslims are terrorists. And that they should all be punished for what happened at the WTC, Pentagon, and in Pennsylvania. That’s not true I know some Muslims and they are really nice. Just because a few of them are evil doesn’t mean all of them are.

See when Tim McVeigh bombed that building in Oklahoma City, they didn’t attack all Christians and discriminate against them just because of him. Did they? I don’t think so. Why is that any different?

I know some religious groups haven’t had so much discrimination against, but I think everyone once in their lives have been discriminated against because of their religion or had their religion be criticized by someone. I have. I heard some people in my school criticize my religion. It hurts me, but I’m not gonna let them make me think any less of what I believe. I am Catholic and I’m very proud of that. And I can’t understand why any could think that they or their religion is any better than anyone else’s. It’s just completely stupid.

I mean let’s not forget the Holocaust. Millions of Jewish men, women, and children were executed in concentration camps. It’s sad to think of all those innocent lives lost because of the cruelness of Hitler and the Nazis. Just think that with all this hate in the world today, the same thing could happen again. I mean history does tend to repeat itself. And if the discrimination doesn’t stop then it will happen again.

I believe that everyone has the right to believe in whatever they want, just as long as they believe in something. All the Catholics, Christians, Jewish, Islamic, Buddhist, and etc. should accept each other and understand each other, and most importantly, live as one.