The Obsession

The Obsession

Back To The Watchers Connection

Story by: Lucilla Phoenix Reporter

First of all I would like to start out by saying to all the girls out there, there is nothing cool about stalking your crushes/ex-boyfriends. Wells in this case it’s both. But anyways…don’t stalk them, they’ll think you’re a psycho. Let’s get to the story though.

My good friend, Jenni Smithson, is one of those stalker type people, well to tell the truth she’s not so much a stalker, she’s obsessed. All she does all day is talk and talk about this guy named Seth Stevens. Seth isn’t a bad guy, well at least in her eyes. So, Jenni has been obsessed with him for awhile, then in the middle of this whole obsession, he asks her out (to me and my friend Melinda, this was a huge shocker). But to tell ya the truth, I don’t think he liked her that much, he was horribly desperate and found himself without a girlfriend, and didn’t know how to handle that. But, for a second let’s talk about the kind of guy Seth is. He’s a ‘playa.’ *laugh* He’ll go out with one girl, dump her, and the day he dumps her, he’ll go out with a new victim. So, Jenni and Seth’s relationship lasted 1 week…wait a minute…maybe it was two weeks. Oh well, you get the point. So it was kind of funny, the other day Seth comes up to me and said, “Jenni’s starting to scare me. I think she’s obsessed with me.” And all I could just do is laugh and agree with him. But Jenni thinks Seth still loves her so much ad want to go back out with her. Yep, he loves her so much that he has had two or more girlfriends after their breakup. *laugh* And it hasn’t even been that long since the break up. Yep, that relationship worked out beautifully…*laugh* Poor Jenni Smithson.