School Fight Of The Century

School Fight Of The Century

Back To The Watchers Connection
Story by: Yves Adele Harlow Reporter

I’ve been thinking and I think that this fight has been the best that I’ve ever seen. Earlier this week, Allessandra Geen and Marla Snider, longtime rivals, got into the fistfight of the century.

The rivalry between these two sophomores has been brewing for almost three years. It all started while they were both in seventh grade. They bother were (and still are) the most popular people and they felt there was only room enough for one of them. So they both had mostly the same friends and it became a contest to see who was more popular.

Finally, this year, things heated up. Geen had said something bad about Snider to people who were friends of both the enemies. The friends told Snider and she in turn challenged Geen to the infamous fistfight.

The fight took place Tuesday (2/15/00) near the cafeteria right after first hour. Geen, sporting platform shoes, threw the first punch and after that, she never got another good punch in at Snider. Snider, who was also wearing platform shoes kicked and punched Geen in the head and finally knocked her to the ground. Then Snider straddled Geen and continued punching her. This went on for nearly three minutes before two teachers broke up the fight by dragging Snider and Geen apart, still kicking, punching, and screaming.

Even while they were being escorted to the assistant principal’s office, they didn’t stop fighting. Geen lunged at Snider and tried to beat her up again, but the teacher who were taking them to the office stopped them before another fight took place. Needless to say, Snider won.

They were both suspended from Taylortucky High for two days and had all their classes switched around so that they wouldn’t meet in the hallway and get into another brawl. The rivalry is still there though. It’s building up and it’s only a matter of time before students witness another fighting match between these to foes.