Fake People vs. Real People: Who Do you Prefer?

Fake People vs. Real People: Who Do You Prefer?

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Brook Travis
I think sometimes “fake” people are okay, but not always. Some people, they’re okay, because they are nice, but others, are really mean in their “fake” personality. Sometimes, however, “real” people can sometimes be too blunt, and too honest. So I just try to be nice and be myself.

Yves Adele Harlow
Fake people are okay sometimes, but there are a lot of fake people who are mean to everyone. When I talk to someone though, I want to be talking to a real person and get to know them. I just act the way I really am instead of having to put on an act all the time. So to the question, I’m neutral, but I lean towards being real.

Max Xeus
Real people are better because they don't sugar-coat anything. They give it to you the way it is, no matter what you'll feel like afterwards. We figure if you get it said the first time, there's no second time to have to repeat yourself.