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Gerald B. Gardner
Scott Cunningham
Phyllis Currott
Aliester Crowley
Doreen Valiente
J & S Farrar
Wheel of the Year
Color Chart
Herbal Guide
Planetary Hours
Moon Phases
Element Chart
Essential Oils
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Deity A - Z
Is This Your Path?
Being Solitary
Finding a Teacher
Self Dedication
Fluffy Quiz
13 Goals
Threefold Law
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What is a spell?
Kinds of Spells
Writing Your Own
Before You Cast
Your Ritual Space
Casting the Circle
Calling the Quarters
Closing the Circle
The Wee Folk
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Totem Animals
The Ouija Board
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Tea Leaves


Just as no two snowflakes are alike, neither are two Wiccans. And just as there are many branches on the tree of Christianity, so too are there many branches of Wicca. This page is meant to give you a brief description into the background of each tradition. We can never list them all as new ones crop up every day while some may die out or change. We hope that this list wets your palette and instills your curiousity enough for you to go out and explore these different traditions for what they are. Blessed Be!

ALEXANDRIAN - Founded by Alex and Maxine Sanders in the mid to late 1960's just after the Gardnerian Tradition really got going. Some view the Alexandrian Tradition as a parody of Gardnerian Tradition, because the two traditions are almost identical and it is believed that Alex Saunders took a lot of the information from Gardner's own Book of Shadows and only inserted his own here and there. It should be noted that Alex Saunders was at one time an initiate of the Gardnerian Tradition. Although Alexanrian initiates use the same tools as Gardnerians, their uses are very different.

ALGARD - Founded by Mary Nesnick, who was both an initiate of Gardnerian and Alexandrian traditions, Algard brings the teachings of both Gerald Gardner and Alex Saunders into one unit. This is probably because the two traditions are so similar.

AMERICAN (Tradition of the Goddess) - This tradition began in the mid 1980's. It started off as being between three solitary practitioners coming together and then expanded over time. This tradition focuses on the teachings of Earth magick, with an emphasis on living their craft through thought, deed and word.

AMERICAN WELSH - This tradition features an extensive use of Welsh mythology and folklore, with a neo-Gardnerian outline. The groups tend to be pretty democratic, especially with relations to being robed or skyclad (ritual nudity).. although the latter is a rare occurence.

AMYTHYSTIAN -Founded in 1968 by Lady Amethyst. This tradition is rooted in the Order of the Garter, and the Order of the Royal Oak. It also contains a lot of Hermetic beliefs. Followers of this path are dedicated to preserving old traditions while growing into a new generation of enlightened ones.

ARIDIAN TRADITION - This tradition begins the year on October 31 (Shadowfest), which also corresponds to the Celtic New Year. This tradition also "passes the wand" from High Priest to High Priestess in different times of the year. Followers of this tradition perceive the God and Goddess as equal, yet different, aspects of one Spirit. They believe in harmony and do not place one person above another.

BLACK FOREST CLAN - Founded by Silver Ravenwolf, this tradition is a lineaged successor of the Caledonii Tradition of Celtic Wicca. The Black Forest Clan provides training for those who seek to become Wiccan clergy.

BLUE STAR - This tradition was started by Fraque Dufner. in Philadelphia circa 1975 with the help of a Gardnerian High Priestess ("Lady Pamela") who had served as Elder. It has become identified as being "post-Neo-Gardnerianism". This tradition seems more focused on the worship of the old Gods rather than the magick arts/spellcraft.

BRITISH TRADITIONAL - This is the name that is given to the vast Wiccan denominations that have initiatory lineage and maintain a body of lore and practices that are handed down from generation to generation. However, it too is seperated into many different traditions.

CALEDONII - A Scottish tradition which attempts to preserve the ancient festivals of the Scotland, and incorporates the worship of the Celtic pantheon. Also known as the Hecatine Tradition.

CELTIC - Not to be confusedfor Church of Wicca, the Celtic path is really many different traditions under the heading of "Celtic". However, we should point out that Wicca is NOT Celtic, but it does draw from it. It is primarily derived from the ancient pre-Christian Celtic religion of Gaul and the British Isles. As it is practiced today, most of the Celtic paths are part of the Neo-Pagan revival, focusing on Nature and healing with group and individual rituals that honor the Ancient Shining Ones and the Earth.

DIANIC - A Goddess/Female centered, Earth-based femenist denomintation of Wicca. It focuses on the spiritual empowerment, healing and needs of women and girls; the practices centering on Women's Mysteries.

DRAGON - This tradition embraces nature and magick in a way that is truly Wiccan and yet is flexible and clearly defined. It teaches ritual practices and beliefs without losing sight of the spirit of Wicca. The covens have no High Priest or High Priestess.

ECLECTIC - This is usually used to describe a solitary practioner, but actually it refers to any solitary or group that practices Wicca while drawing from a plathora of pantheons.

FERI - Founded by Victor and Cora Anderson in the mid to late 1960's. There are elements of Gardnerian and Alexandrian incorporated into this tradition. The tradition is adamantly polytheistic, recognizing many manifestations of the Divine from many different places and times.

GARDNERIAN - Mostly written by Gerald Gardner in the 1950's as a way to revive an ancient ancestral tradition. Other pieces are contributed by people such as Aleister Crowely, Doreen Valiente, and Rudyard Kipling. The core beliefs include balance, duality, and the Goddess & the God in equal partnership.

GEORGIAN - Named for it's founder, George Patterson, the Georgian tradition began December 26, 1971. It's a very eclectic tradition, based on Gardnerian teachings. Patterson expanded the core training material derived from Ed Fitch's Grimoire of the Shadows with material contributed by others as well as his own original writings.

MINOAN BROTHERHOOD - This is just one in a branch of three traditions; Minoan Sisterhood and the Cult of Rhea being the others. The rituals are based on the Gardnerian Tradition, with changes to accomodate for both a different core mythology and ritual custom. This Gay Men's tradition of Witchcraft was established in New York by the late Lord Gwydion (Eddie Buczynski) in the middle 1970s.

SEAX-WICCA - Founded by Raymond Buckland in 1973, this tradition has a slight Saxxon style flavor. The covens are democratic and the "leader" is chosen by election. Also it is up to the group whether or not the coven performs skyclad or not.
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