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Los Angeles
Sunday, 6 February 2005
Well , LA CIty City won't decide
You know ever since I arrived
in Los ANgeles I have found it to be a place even conservatives are free thinkers.

According to the
LA Times

mayor Hahn and councilmember villaraigosa are in a dead heat as well as Hertzberg Hertzberg and .Bernard Parks

ALarcon is in last place with 3%

It seems that We may have
another villaraigosa and Hahn Runnoff
in MArch.

I still haven't made my decision yet
who I will vote for . SKid row still
doesn't have aLADOT DASH service.
ANd both MAyor HAhn and Villaraigosa
got a DASH for boyle heights in the
summer of 2003 after Villaraigosa was
elected. So thet pretty much makes them
even as far as getting dissed , as far as
Central City East / Skid Row goes.

Mayor Hahn and Jan Perry both got us the
monies for the JAmes Woods Center ,
at the grand opening MAyor Hahn sent a representative , but didn't come himself.
But at least we got the James Wood
Commuinity Center .

Villaraigosa announced a faith based
initiative to send millions of tax
payer dollars to churches and such
and it is on the Union Rescue Mission Webiste,
again Mayor Hahn's Picture is
also on that website above
Villaraigosas endorsement of the Rescue Mission.

Again makes it even , in not getting dissed.

My opinion is that faith
based initiative monies
should be going to the neighborhoods ,
not huge missions with exorbitant
administartive salaries. But the
UNion Recue Mission is looking in
the right places with the establishement
of off skid row family housing to help
families get on with thier lives.

The biggest question of all is that
with all of the embedded investement
in Central City East , I am referring
to the Rehabilitated Hotels , will we
contintue to receive the restricted
funding from
Word from the low income advocates
is that the market rate developers
want to push us out of here. And
they blame the Adaptive Reuse Ordinance.
I kind of like the ARO .
I am getting all sorts of
benefits like new places
to eat healthy food , instead
of food laced with carbohydrates
and sugar as well as new neighbors
who say I don't belong here.

So who will I vote for.

I know I will be voting for
JAn PErry . That is a given.
But which candidate for mayor.

All of the candidates running for
mayor besides Hertzberg and ALArcon
and the not so name recognized, signed
the Resolution Recognizing me in mY role
as the Downtown Los Angeles Town Crier.
So I may not be able to publicly
endores a candidate for mayor.

One thing is for sure when before
I yelled at candidates HAHN when
I ran into him as he was leaving
the Central Police Station looking
for votes before he won the last race,
he looked at me as I was asking him what
he has done for skid row , what he will
do for skid row, and why none of the
candidates actively campaign here so
we can be inofrmed voters, because
we do vote , he looked at me and told
me that I need to use personal
responsibility if I want to change
things. Instead of someone looking
at me and saying that I was helpless
and hopeless. He said I had something
inside me to change my life and my
He talked to me as an equal.
Take personal responsibility
for my neighborhood. As he
walked away I yelled at him
and said I wasn't going to
vote for him , no matter how
pretty the campaign people
are who were with him,
( nice looking gals ) ,
because he didn't actively
campaign in central city east
with the over 6 thousand residents
who live here .I didn't vote for him
I voted for Villaraigosa. But the fire he reignited in me has stayed with me.
Personal repsonsibiity . I had forgotten
those words. Even in my situation and condition
I can still practice personal responsibility.

As you can see I have some thinking to do.
And I have to choose at the polls.

Like most angelenos I still can't
make up my mind.

Posted by zine2/downtownlatowncrier at 10:17 PM PST
Updated: Sunday, 6 February 2005 10:57 PM PST
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Saturday, 5 February 2005
Mood:  d'oh
Now Playing: caribbean blue - Enya
Well NOW I know what that part of the blog is where it says: NOW playing.

Well it means I write what I am listening to while I write the bog. I am listening to ENYA , Caribbean Blue
The one of the councilpersons andTown Crier for Markham , Ontario ,Canada , purchased their flight into LAX already. Seems like these town criers are ready to come to Laos Angeles For a competition.

WE are still working on lodging and Transportation.

Host city's provide lodging traditionally for a competition.

Our committee will get it together.

Posted by zine2/downtownlatowncrier at 10:12 PM PST
Updated: Saturday, 5 February 2005 10:11 PM PST
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Singing in the air , everywhere in Los Angeles
I took the Rapid bus 720 to my doctors office on fairfax and wilshire, yesterday

Beforee I went there I took a walk throguh downtown . I ran into a rally or protest in front of the canadian embassy. Neo nazis and Jewish defense LEague. The police were standing between them.

Anyway I then wandered into the Wilshire grande lookng for a friend who has an office there. He wasn't in , so I went to leave and ran into tons of youth. And I asked them what was gpoign on . It was a choral directors association convention. There were choirs from everywhere . So I took apicture of these kids who were from Pennsylvania.

These guys were everywhere , when I left the doctors office where I snapped , finally some good pictures of the hollywood sign , I ran across a whole gaggle of choir directors and thier choirs. They had just come shoppoing form the grove and they were waiting on a rapid bus which has the sign on it fairfax and wishire. Unfortuantely it was they did not know that all of teh 720s were going to stop at normandie and wilshire no matter what the meassage on teh front of the bus was displayed .

Thanks to the article in the los angeles angeles times magazine about me , I showed them , I had the credibility I needed to let teh chaparones of the girls know that , all of the 720s were going to be crowded and they were going to have to split up , since it was around 4 pm and that all of the 720 rapid buses would drop them off on NOrmandie and wilshire . They would have been there all night if I hadn't beeen able to let them know.

So I cam ehome , put on my town crier outfit and went to 7th and fig and entertained the kids and the chor directors while they all waited forever to get into the california pizza kitchen. we really do need to get our 24/7 Downtown up and running. Form what Heard there were 17 ,000 people that came to this event. I meant they were everywhere and used our public transportation system heavily.

ANyway I ran into Jose Huizar while these guys sang me a song. These fellows were from Ontario canada.

Posted by zine2/downtownlatowncrier at 2:00 AM PST
Updated: Saturday, 5 February 2005 2:45 AM PST
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Thursday, 3 February 2005
We finally got pork chops!!!!!
Well , what might be my last day as teh Southern HOtel's Tenant advicosry council Representative here at SRO Housing, We got pork chops from th eFood Bank.

The guys and gals in here have been asking for pork chops all last year. Who would have thought. What a way to go out , if I am not re-elected.

Anyway, I am also up for reelection. A lot of people in here are voting for me and they say it is because I am fair and honest in my dealings with them , especially when being entrusted with their weekly food bank stuffs that SRO HOusing Corporation buys from the food bank. That makes me feel good to hear that.

But hopefully if I win , we will finallly ger an assistant rep. That would be great. I have been using a lot of teneants to help me with the volunteer duties I and have shown them how to be when they take on these duties, so all the while I have been training my successors. The mission is always the most important thing.

who's endroesement do you think I can get?
just kidding.

Posted by zine2/downtownlatowncrier at 4:39 PM PST
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Wednesday, 2 February 2005
Can you beleive it Senator Alarcon the first to call
Can you beleive it?

I didn't even contact Senator Alarcon's campign office asking for him to come and visit. Yet his campaign are the first to contact me at home by phone asking me for my vote. The first of the mayoral candidates. WoW!!!!

anyway , Hahn seems to be getting close to coming and visiting . I wm not going to hold my breath. A campaign person from his office is meeting me for coffee. So I guess I should see what this is all about. She said it is about my request.

I talked to teh person working for alarcon at his campaign headquarters and had no idea what I was talking about in reference to skid row. SHe thought I was in south central los angeles.

Are they that out of touch?

Posted by zine2/downtownlatowncrier at 6:11 PM PST
Updated: Wednesday, 2 February 2005 6:06 PM PST
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I still love this show on ABC , for the past two episodes we , the crazy
have had to put up with reruns,
but the holiday season was pretty
busy so the last two episodes
they showed of the reruns really helped, cause I kind of missed them.

Posted by zine2/downtownlatowncrier at 11:10 AM PST
Updated: Wednesday, 2 February 2005 11:18 AM PST
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TOM Labonge has his own 2005 calender no joke

Yes Tom Labonge Tom Labonge has his own calender for 2005 and I have one. HA ! HA! .

It is neat .
The name of the calender is if you could see los angeles through my eyes. Through the eyes of the great cheerleader of Los Angeles I have one . HA ! HA!

Posted by zine2/downtownlatowncrier at 3:40 AM PST
Updated: Wednesday, 2 February 2005 3:54 AM PST
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Tuesday, 1 February 2005

em?pa?thy ( P ) Pronunciation Key (mp-th)
Identification with and understanding of another's situation, feelings, and motives. See Synonyms at pity.
The attribution of one's own feelings to an object

Indentifying with another.
In the downtown los angeles community and the fight over it , I wonder sometimes why it feels like the people moving into the new loftts are so far away from identigying with the people here in the central city east community.

If I were to say we should make everybody get to the point where they can help themselves and force them to do it , we take away their ability to use their agency , their free will.

Some people are ill and can't be put on a time frame and can't be in a community that is a forced communty where you say , "if these people can't keep up and can't contribute as Much as I can then they must be run out or placed osmehwere else" , it is so tragic that soort of thinking. Especially in a place that was created as such many years ago. This community wasn't called a recovery community , it was called "containment".

People in central city east are now discussing the definition of a recovery community , where we on;ly keep those people who can acheive certain things to help themselves and remove others and put them somehwere else.

Whereas ,before, this community as containment was classified as a place where these people could go and be without consequences , now providers and others are discussing doing the same , becoming nimby's in the community that was created to be where the nimby's sent those they did not want.

It is frighrtening to know there are those who would not care less if I was alive or dead because I can't compete with them.

I think it is time someone publicly spoke on what thise central city east is and where it is going.

I think I will do that on a day I am able to concentrate.

Posted by zine2/downtownlatowncrier at 10:42 PM PST
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Monday, 31 January 2005
Pissing Contest
Well , the residents in this hotel are getting very angry. Why?

People keep urinating on our building. It gets pretty rank all over the front of the building on the sidewalk especially on the weekedns in the evenings. The picture below shows the front of the building. On the lower left you can see the elvator room door , between the two flower beds and you can see the little stream already starting to flow where folks urinate.

When people walk thorugh it after it has become wider area of flowing urine , it gets spread all across teh sidewalk in front of the building and we wind up tracking it in .

Also the fenceline to the left is where we have a continuous problem with a "swap meet" , people sit there and engage in illegal vending , and some of the vendors walk to that corner and urinate , and then when it get s dark some folks sit close to the building and dring beer , then when their bladder is full , walk over to the spot and once again urinate.

SO now we have tenants in here who are not tolerating this behavior. Just today I walked down the stairs and a teneant was holdign a jar of urine , walked across the street , emptied the bottle next to one of the perpetrators , and walked back into the building. Saying the whole time to give him a taste of his own medicine. I heard the tenants arguing with some perpetrators this morning as I my window is right above that spot. Boy it got pretty bad.

Anyway, I hope the landlord does soemthing to at least mitigate the effects of that spot , considering this is a hotel full of chapter 38 veterans of the military . The sidewalk slopes towards the street in that spot , that is why it get pretty bad. A gate of some sort would do the trick , something is better than nothing.

Posted by zine2/downtownlatowncrier at 7:21 PM PST
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OK folks
Well tomorrow is the first of february . But let's talk about today.

Iraq just had elections. INteresting that folks waded the human bombs and snipers and roadside bombs and the prospects of being killed in order to go and vote.

Goes to show how precious we sometimes don't show the electiosn process.

If it rains a little bit , we sometime won't go. If you have never had to actually fight for the right , i suppose folks take it for granted.

I don't apologize for my attitude on every election day. You better stay out of my way. I will move heaven and earth to cast my ballot and god help you if you do get in the way. I will call every official in this city to makes sure you can't prevent others from voting. Or ever being a polling place again.

Forget about all of the reasons for partisan bickering the fact is that this election took place.

"To have really lived, you must have almost died. To those who have fought for it, freedom has a flavor the protected will never know."
-- Scrawled on a bunker outside Khe Sahn, RVN

Posted by zine2/downtownlatowncrier at 11:51 AM PST
Updated: Monday, 31 January 2005 12:03 PM PST
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