Main Street Journal
Madisonville, Tennessee

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Tennessee Peer ~ Professionals For Enviroment

Medical Encyclopedia

Credit Card Nation

A Million Lives ~ Find Anybody!

Farm Land Information

American Farm Land Trust

Solar Access

Stories South

Good Genealogy Stuff


National Air And Space Museum

International Primate Protection League

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Senators, ETC ETC
In One Stroke

National Forests Websites

The Franklin Institute Online

Country Grape Vine

Sherpa ~ Nepal Research

Nutrition Calculator! Name Any Food!

Happy Huskies

Amish Quilts

Real History Archives

Study Guides and Strategies

Why Do Civilizations Fall?

A Space Library

Corporate Watch

True Food Now

Dub Selector

Freedom Forum


Handbook of Forensic Services

Particle Adventure

Scary Squirrel

Raising Newborn Kittens

Architecture Week


How Much Is Today's Dollar Worth From 1665 To 2000

Yamaha Papercraft ~ Amazing!

Last Words


Government site ~Picturing The Century

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United States Supreme Court Multimedia Database

Write 101


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Bartleby ~ Cambridge History of English & American Literature

Museum Of Depression Art

Engineering Sights

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Indy Media

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Life On This Planet

Earth's Enviroment

Ellis Island Records

Greg Palast ~ Our Hero!

Critical Thinking Is Anathema To The Global Corporatists!

I just learned of a wonderful site that you should browse through. It's called Southern Oral History Program and it is produced by The Univerisity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Check it out!

Other Links
Southern Scribe
Dead Mule
Anything Southern's List
History of Our Currency ~ Confederate Money

  ~ ~ ~  Moccasin Telegraph

The Virtual Wall

Madisonville Public Library

Cherokee Trail of Tears

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