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The Spiritual exploration


Ancient Egypt

  This is a series of  Lectures and Workshops

Based on the books in the series

“The Magic and Mystery of Ancient Egypt".


These workshops can be arranged for groups of up to eight at Falcon Lodge or at a place convenient to a particular organisation for larger numbers.


The workshops last a day with two sessions in the morning and two in the afternoon with a break for lunch


The cost is from £45 per person for the day but is slightly higher for groups of less than six or individuals.


For further details contact


Many people believe that the Egyptian Ancients hold the keys to the knowledge of the Universe and it is to them whom we look for many of our answers.

Ancient Egypt has been a fascination for me all my life and it is the magic and mystery of her religion that is perhaps the most intriguing of all aspects of that fabulous land bathed in the clouds of distant mystery evocative of an age beyond anything we can comprehend.



The workshops follow the titles of the publications in the series

The Greatest Mysteries of all time and are as follows:-


* The Origin of the Universe * The Origin of Man  * The Great Flood * The Followers of Horus

* The Great Sphinx * The Great Pyramid * Isis and Osiris, Kingship and Resurrection

* Amon-Ra the lord and giver of life. * The Am-Dwat, the map of the afterlife.

* Akhenaton, Smenkhare and Tut-akh-mon * Links with the great religions


  The Origin of the Universe


This is perhaps the greatest question posed by man and the only answer that he has found to be adequate is that it was created by God and the means by which He achieved this is open to the greatest amount of controversy imaginable.

The workshop aims to spiritually align the subconscious with the original light which is the source of the Godhead.




1. Investigation of conventional concepts of the origin of the Universe

If God is light , then the point of creation must have been the first pinpoint of light.

This idea perfectly corresponds to the theological concept of God being light and the first thing created being light. In the Book of Genesis is says ...and God said let there be light ... on the first day of creation.


2. Investigation of Scientific Concepts of the origin of the Universe

In scientific terms, the concept of light, being at the centre of creation, and as such, the centre of the universe, again perfectly corresponds to the ideas of the theologians.

Since the time of the ancient Greeks, the smallest particle of anything has been the atom. This, from the Greek word ‘atmos’ means, ‘that which cannot be divided’. In more recent times we have discovered that the atom can be subdivided into smaller particles, the proton, the positive charge of energy which together with its neutral counterbalance forms the nucleus or mass of the atom. The third component of this trinity of matter is the electron, which is the negatively charged particle which spins round the nucleus at unimaginable speed.


3. Investigation of the structure of matter

The mind blowing fact is that every proton, neutron and electron in the universe is the same, which in reality means that I am made from the same matter as the word processor on which I am writing this passage. This concept is appreciated in the ancient teachings of Buddhism. However, the next mind-blowing factor that we have to appreciate is that in more recent times, scientists have made the fantastic discovery that protons, neutrons and electrons are not the smallest particles, for they have discovered that the protons themselves comprise a miniature universe of photons. Photons are no more than particles of light. Consequently everything in the universe is made from light which is a theological principle which now has the backing of science!

However, how does this give us the answer to the question as to how the universe originated. In short it does not.


4. Meditation on the concept of Light.

If by definition, the universe is everything, then we are asking ourselves to imagine a time when there was quite literally nothing. This is an impossibility, for something cannot be made from nothing, unless we translate everything to pure thought. Then we come down to the hypothesis ... are we the result of pure thought? If so there must be a being or entity that is generating this. If this is so then it puts forward a very good case for there being a divine being that is our creator and the creator of the universe!


The Origin of Man

By definition, man is Homo Sapiens. He is not Neanderthal, Cro-Magnon or Homo Erectus or any other species that may have been in existence at some time prior to our creation.


1. Examination of the structure of Man

Homo Sapiens is a very special being for he has three major parts to him. Those parts are body, the physical entity, mind, the creative force and soul, the eternal aspect of the being that develops and grows as a result of the interaction of the body and mind. To our knowledge, it is only Homo Sapiens on this earth that has achieved this status. There is great evidence for man not having evolved from the lower apes. More and more scientists are of the opinion that man did not evolve but was at some point created.


2. The examination of the means by which this creation was effected

The idea that God created us is something that is of course sacred to the religious, but there are many ways in which He could have achieved this. The church tells us that we are the body of Christ. It is through our hands that He works today. Likewise the Holy Spirit works through us.

Evidence of genetic engineering by alien species.

If God can use our hands, bodies and minds, why then can He not use those of other species. Are we too arrogant to imagine any other beings in that vast universe?

In ancient texts in Egypt and South America there is much evidence for genetic engineering. The Ancient Egyptians knew all about genetics and DNA. See the section on Amon-Ra the Lord and giver of life! How was it that these people knew about such things? From whence did this knowledge that we have just rediscovered come?


3. Biblical clues for genetic engineering

Is it not possible that such visitors to our planet were the instruments of God by which we were created? This would solve countless questions and be a far more plausible explanation than the creator of everything materialising in humanoid form to create us in His own image.

We are surely in the image of God because, like Him we are in three parts ... Our mind which corresponds to that of the Father creator; our bodies which corresponds to that of the Son and our eternal Spirit which parallels the Holy Ghost.

NB: Story of Adam and Eve; Noah and his sons; Methuselah.


4. Modern approach to genetic engineering and cloning

Today we are approaching the stage by which we can create designer, test-tube babies.

What is the evidence that man was originally a test-tube baby?

However, all this poses yet another intriguing question ....

Why should aliens have come to earth in the first place?



  The Great Flood

The great flood was an event that took place, recorded in legends such as the epic of Gilgamesh, the Bible in the story of Noah and his ark and in geological fact! The Great Flood is not a figment of the story writer’s imagination, it is a fact that poses so many questions that it has been the topic of many a book and item of research.


1.    The importance of the Flood as a destroyer of history

The great flood very simply was an event that took place about 12,000 years ago which was caused by the tilting of the northern hemisphere of the earth towards the sun. In consequence the ice cap which was at that time as far south as Scotland, melted. Imagine the devastation to the land as a result of such a dramatic thawing. As stated in the Bible, everything would have perished except for those who had the means of escape. The only means of escape was a sea going vessel, described in the Bible as the Ark!


2. The possible distortion of history

This poses many problems for in consequence we have to accept the concept that over 12,000 years ago, twice the distance in time before the civilisation of Ancient Egypt, there were civilisations capable of producing such vessels. Our school books describing the coracle of the Ancient Britons as being the first form of boat has to be drastically re-written! There is evidence of a very ancient sea-going people of great intelligence and sophistication through the existence of a medieval map of Antarctica. This map is not of the ice but of the land mass! As Antarctica was a mass of ice in the Middle Ages, it is impossible for the map to have been an original, it must have been a copy from one made before the flood! In other words the original map must have been over 12,000 years old!


3. Evidence for Ancient Civilisations prior to our own History.

This is clear evidence for the existence of very sophisticated mariners existing long before our own time and clearly points to the possibility that there must have been very great civilisations long before our own era of history. History by definition being that which can be recorded. In the Bible it mentions people who lived for a very long time. Methuselah is perhaps the most famous of these. There have always been apologetic suggestions as to the calculation of years in order to provide an explanation for this. Previously we have considered the possibility of a people who have the ability to genetically engineer, now we have to pose the question ...


4. Man’s hidden agenda: the power of strength, brain and death!

Were there people who had the ability to destroy the ageing gene and live for as long as the bible suggests? There are certain very special people in the Bible, Abraham, Methuselah, Noah and Melchizedeck who were without doubt very special beings. Abraham had knowledge of the one true God and Noah had a sophisticated technology which enabled him to survive the flood. Methuselah was privy to the secrets of genetic engineering and Melchizedek was described as a prototype Christ! All this adds up to a very peculiar scenario that in logical terms seems incomprehensible!



The Followers of Horus


1. The historical Horus

Horus was the Divine son of Isis and Osiris. Osiris was the human aspect of God who came down to earth to give knowledge to mankind. He was murdered, cut into fourteen parts and ultimately put together again by the magical powers of his sister Isis who caused his resurrection. Upon his resurrection he determined that they should no more dwell on earth but in heaven. Osiris would be the Judge of the Dead and Isis would be the Queen of Heaven and mother of his son Horus. Horus would be the eternal comforter of mankind and fighter of evil.


2. The flow of knowledge

Does not this story ring the same bells as the story of the life, death and resurrection of Christ, who became the judge of ‘the quick and the dead’? Is not also the Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen of Heaven in the same fashion as Isis and indeed Mother of God in the same way as her son was Christ and the son of Isis was Horus! All this poses mind blowing questions that can rock the very core of Christianity if one does not take the broader view that throughout time the truth has been the same and written in different ways at different times to suit different peoples. The Ancient Egyptians believed in the concept of love thy neighbour as thyself. This is borne out by the story of Joseph and the famine in Canaan. The Egyptians did not turn away the Israelites but accepted them and cared for them as their own. It is grossly unfair that throughout history the Egyptians have been branded as the evil ones of history for the episode brought down to us as the Exodus!


3. However, who were the real followers of Horus?

The answer to that question can only come from the answer to the question ... Who was Osiris?

There has to be the suggestion that Osiris was not a being of this world for as we will learn in a different section, the people who worshipped Osiris, knew very well that he came from the constellation of Orion, not from our Earth! Does this mean that Osiris was a visitor from outer space who in some way caused humanity to come into being? Was in effect he the one who genetically engineered mankind? ... and were the followers of Horus the beings he created full of the knowledge that he bestowed upon them? Were they a master race, which was able to effect great things upon this earth in a time so distant that its echoes descend to us in the droplets of its essence in the form of the civilization of Ancient Egypt. What I am saying is that the Ancient Egyptians themselves had a mere glimmer of the knowledge of their illustrious ancestors who were the beings for whom such edifices as the pyramids and the sphinx were built!


4. The real followers of Horus

In essence the Followers of Horus could have been the descendants of the beings genetically engineered by Osiris and filled with the knowledge that he bestowed upon them. People did not build such structures as the Great Pyramid with copper chisels and rollers for wheels as conventional Egyptologists would have us believe!


  The Great Sphinx

The enigmatic Sphinx has been a source of wonder for mankind since its creation. Who would want to create a monstrous statue of a lion with the head of a man? And, when, why and indeed how was it built?


1. The Sphinx and recorded history

For many years, the Pharaoh Kepheren was credited with being the builder of the Sphinx. It was the guardian to his pyramid and his valley temple, the second in the great triad of pyramids at Giza. The Sphinx was no more than the personification of Kepheren in the form of a lion to symbolize his strength and power as King.


2. Modern thoughts concerning its origin

However, thanks to the influx of science and technology into the study of Ancient Egypt, today there are very different ideas concerning that great monument. Firstly the age of the structure can be proven, in two ways, to be well over the age of possible construction by Kepheren. For it to have been built by him it would have to have been about 4,700 years old. In geological terms that is an impossibility! The Sphinx has suffered erosion from water that would date it from a time when it was in a watery environment. That time was before the Great Flood of approximately 12,000 years ago! So we are stating that scientific evidence directs us to believe that the Sphinx is this great age. For the second piece of evidence, we have to turn to the stars, which was a preoccupation of the Ancient Egyptians. Is this an indication that they were looking to the heavens for their origins? Were they looking for their ancestors in some heavenly abode? Indeed it is not just the Ancient Egyptians who had this conviction that they came from the stars. The peoples of South America also had this belief. Their Gods came from the sky. They had vehicles that flew through the heavens. They even built structures that could be construed as runways for their vehicles!  The Sphinx itself is aligned to the constellation Leo and originally would not have had the head of a man but that of a lion. It would have heralded in the astrological age of Leo and that constellation would have risen between its paws at its dawn.

This would have been pure conjecture were it not for the fact that the rising of Leo coincides with the watery time when the great statue could have been eroded in such a way as stated by geologists.


3. Who were the builders of the Sphinx?

Consequently the evidence of the Sphinx tells us that there was a sophisticated civilization, cognisant of astronomical and astrological facts that pertained to their worship as well as being capable of building such a thing. Also the fact that they had a spiritual need to build it is highly indicative of there being a superior intelligence involved in their deliberations.

I mean a superior intelligence in the same way as we would say that there is a superior power that governs all aspects of our spirituality. In short the religious of today acknowledge the work and intervention of a divine power, so too did the people of 12, 000 years ago!


  The Mystery of the Great Pyramid of Khufu at Giza


  This is perhaps the greatest wonder of all time. One only has to stand next to it to wonder who built it and for what reason and indeed why at all in the first place!?


1. The vital statistics of the Pyramid.

The vital statistics of this great edifice are, if you will forgive me yet again for using the term, ‘mind-blowing’! According to the great Egyptologists Champillion, who deciphered the hieroglyphs, he estimated that there were enough blocks to build a wall 10 meters high all the way round France! He also stated that it would have taken the perfect cutting, maneuvering and positioning of three blocks, ranging in weight from two and a half tons to over 16 tons at the top, every minute, without stopping for the entire duration of Khufu’s 22 year reign. Of course he, like everyone else of that time and indeed subsequently, thought that the pyramids were tombs.


2. The function of the Pyramid

Today, it is believed by those who allow science to invade the great study of Ancient Egypt, that the pyramid is not to have been a tomb but, in some way to have been a star gate, a means of projecting the Pharaoh to his divine progenitors.


3. The design of the Pyramid

There are passages and shafts that were all aligned to the stars at a time suggesting a very much earlier date of creation that of the reign of Khufu. Indeed it is only through the daubing of the name of Khufu in red paint in some tiny chamber that even Egyptologists have given that Pharaoh the privilege of constructing it. It is rather similar to saying that because someone, hundreds of years from now, found a letter signed by Elizabeth II in Buckingham Palace, and that was the only thing pertaining to a monarch to be found, that she was responsible for its construction! There is no evidence whatsoever for any pharaoh to have been responsible for the construction of the three Great Pyramids of Khufu, his son Kepheren and his grandson Mencaure. Indeed if we were to accept that they were responsible we would have to accept that they achieved it using the most primitive of tools.

Many scientific Egyptologists now believe that they were the work of a very much more sophisticated race of people thousands of years prior to Khufu. In fact they believe that the people responsible for the construction of the Sphinx are far more likely candidates. One very simple factor denies the involvement of dynastic Egyptians in their construction and that is the fact that the walls are not plastered with inscriptions. Later pyramids that were tombs, had the precursor of the Book of the Dead, known simply as the pyramid texts, on their walls.

However, we have not yet determined the function of the Pyramid of Khufu. It was simply a means of projecting, through the shaft in the King’s chamber, the soul of the dead king to Orion, with whom in death he unites. The new king undergoes a ritual in which his life forces are suspended for twelve hours in order to accompany his dead predecessor to Osiris and be ‘born again’ as the living Horus, the son of Isis and Osiris. So, effectively, the Pyramid is a vehicle for Coronation and the projection of the soul to its celestial abode.


4 A Meditation within the Pyramid


Isis, Osiris and the theory of Kingship and Resurrection


1. The legend of Osiris and Isis

Osiris can be equated to someone who intervened from another planet and in some way not only educated, but probably genetically engineered mankind. There is one very special factor that makes man uniquely special amongst all living creatures and that is his ability to communicate with one another through speech. Was it an accident that St. John’ s opening line to his gospel was .... ‘In the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God’! Is this a divine revelation that God was the divine spark that enabled man to achieve that higher level of understanding that linked him to God.


2. The function of Osiris in death

Osiris, upon his death, became the judge of the dead and his sister, Isis, whom he married, became the mother of their son, Horus, and the Queen of Heaven. Osiris was the original King. He ruled Egypt as the first Pharaoh and those who came after him were the followers of Horus. Consequently all subsequent Kings ruled and reigned as his son Horus and so was born the concept of a divine Kingship. The term ‘Followers of Horus’ specifically apply to the people who gave knowledge to the Ancient Egyptians. If we are to imagine Osiris as being a real, rather than legendary person, then he had to date back to the first time, which was at least 12,000 years ago. He also had to be knowledgeable in the study of the stars, astronomy and astrology as well as farming and in general all things necessary to govern a country.


3. Osiris the creator of man

If we take Osiris a stage further back to a time uncertain, he could have been the originator of man through genetic engineering. In effect, there was at one and the same time, three groups upon Earth. First there was the original inhabitants who were little better than cave dwellers. Then there were the ‘Gods’, the people who visited our planet and wanted to use what they could find from it. In order to make man a more amenable species to their own kind, they genetically engineered him, bestowing upon him an intelligence with a mind capable of achieving great things. With that mind came the knowledge of another dimension, which could only be achieved in a different form, a spiritual form. This dimension was realised through the resurrection of the dead. Consequently the higher beings all had the knowledge of an afterlife that was achieved through spirituality and their realm was the abode of Osiris. It was also very clearly understood where that abode was to be found and that was in the constellation of Orion.


4. The stellar connection!

The incredible factor that emanates from this is their belief that the abode of Isis was Sirius, the dog star. They somehow knew that Sirius was a binary star, constantly giving birth to an offspring. How this could have been known without the aid of sophisticated equipment is beyond conjecture. We have only discovered that fact today with the aid of radio telescopes!

However the concept of the divine monarch has passed down through history to our own time today. The most sacred element of any Coronation ceremony is the anointing which in effect imbues the monarch with the spirit of God!


5. The quasi divine nature of the monarch today.


  Amon-Ra ... The Lord and Giver of Life.


  1. The Nature of Amon

So many people visit the greatest temple known to the world, the temple of Amon-Ra at Karnak and yet they go away, despite having perhaps a very good guide, not knowing exactly what was the nature of the divinity worshipped there. The fact is that this colossal temple, the biggest ever created to honour a divinity, houses the most awesome secret and that secret can only be unlocked when we discover the nature of Amon. Let us look at the clues. Amon is described as the hidden one and he is depicted as a man with a plumed head-dress. He is also worshipped in the form of Min which is represented by Amon with an erect phallus, symbolizing him as the progenitor of life.

However, this is not all. The mind-blowing fact is that even though he is represented as a man, in reality he was the primordial serpent in the Nun (this is the total mound from which everything was created), which split and formed his female counterpart Amunet.

2. Science and Amon

It is not as simple as this. Amon is the coiled serpent and to emphasis this, his sacred animal is the ram with its coiled horns. This leads us to the question ... Did the Ancient Egyptians have knowledge of DNA? From what I have said so far, it may be taken for a coincidence, but the plot thickens! They certainly knew all about chromosomes and genes for the Pharaonic system of counting was actually based on the splitting of chromosomes! Also Amon had exactly the same number of divine aspects as related chemical clusters on a strand of DNA. Are these two facts coincidence or did they have advanced knowledge of genetics? If Osiris, their divine ancestor, was in fact a highly advanced being who in reality genetically engineered mankind, then surely it would be possible for this knowledge to have remained in some form as a distant echo from the reality of what happened thousands of years prior to their history.


3. The age of man

Scientists are forever-putting back the date of man’s dawning upon Earth. Homo Sapiens is now considered to be at least 100,000 years old! What we do not know is the development of civilizations and technologies that evolved during that time. We only have to look at our short history (using the definition of Herodotus of that which can be recorded), of just over 5000 years to see that man has advanced from troglodytes to a computer age capable of the genetic engineering claimed for the ancients. If it has taken us a mere 12,000 or so years to achieve this from the last disaster, what could we achieve in 100,000 years? Prior to that there was an age of metaphorical darkness when nothing was recorded. The last great disaster, the flood, had wiped out everything and man had to start all over again.

Very ancient history follows this pattern of disaster and rebirth, death and resurrection of mankind. We have no way of having any knowledge of these civilizations except for little clues like the medieval map of Antarctica, the recording of longevity in the Bible and the complexities of the Ancient Egyptian science and religion. We also have the clues that there is a pattern throughout the ancient world of a preoccupation with the stars and a fundamental belief that we have originated from them. From Stonehenge to Angkora Watt and the Pyramids of the Americas to the Pyramids of Egypt, they all cry out in a loud voice that they were created as a result of divine intervention. This begs the question ... What means did this intervention take!?


The Am-Dwat ... the map of the Afterlife!


1. What was the Am-Dwat?

It was in reality the Ancient Egyptian map of the afterlife. I am afraid you will have to determine that for yourselves from what I say and what else you can discover from other books about this fantastic document. The Am-Dwat was literally an hour by hour tour of the deceased’s journey from death to judgment by Osiris.


2. The Contents of the Am-Dwat

Let us examine what it describes. Upon death, there is oblivion and chaos. The soul is ruptured from the body and has to become aware of its new state of freedom. The first hour is a period of discovery and self-awareness and it is in this state that the soul may proceed through the remaining eleven hours. The discovery is not about the afterlife, but about one’s self. It is essential for the soul to come to terms with what life has done to it in order to be judged. Consequently, the remaining eleven hours are very perilous and require divine assistance in order to achieve the goal.


3. Other sacred texts

To this end there were three other sacred texts; the Book of the Dead, the Book of Gates and the Book of Caverns. The Book of the Dead was a series of prayers, supplications and amulets that protect the soul on its journey. It is exactly the same as a good Catholic requiring Mass to be said for the repose of the soul. The Mass is the supplication to the Divine to forgive all that is past and allow the soul to pass from the state of torment in Purgatory to rest and repose in the bosom of God. The other two texts, the Books of Caverns and Gates are self explanatory. The caverns describe the pitfalls that the soul can encounter through error and sin and the gates are the requirements essential to put the deceased right with God in order to pass from one stage to the next. They are both a series of prayers, supplications and formulae that will unlock one stage and make it possible to enter the next.


4. A sacred priesthood

All this of course, makes it essential for there to be a divine priesthood which can guide the layman through these dangers and perils. Just as there were unscrupulous Catholic Priests like Tetzel who incurred the wrath of Martin Luther for selling forgiveness of sins in order to raise money for the building of the new St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome, there were undoubtedly unscrupulous Egyptian Priests who would cash in on the fear of the people.


5. A meditation for the afterlife (regression and astral travel)

However, the reality of the situation is that the Ancient Egyptians actually dared to make a map of the Afterlife, actually presuming to have detailed knowledge of every aspect of it.

Today similar knowledge is obtained through near death experiences and the work of spiritual mediums. Though many have been proved to be fake, there still are vast numbers of genuine spiritualists who have a combined knowledge which generally concurs which describes several levels of the afterlife related to the spiritual development of the individual. In more conventional terms this is often related to as the seventh heaven, implying that God is there and we can progress to achieve at oneness with Him. Up till that point there are varying degrees of spirituality descending to the Astral Plane which in many ways is a mirror image of Earth and similar to what countless Ancient Egyptians hoped would be their destiny.


The Great Mystery of Akhenaton Smenkhare and Tutankhamun

  Akhenaton was the great enigma of the eighteenth dynasty. He ruled Egypt for about 25 years in the middle of the 13th century BC and for a great part of that time had with him his consort the beautiful Nefertiti.


What was the enigma of Akhenaton?

Why did his reign cause such disruption in the history of Egypt? His reign and the period immediately after it is referred to as the Armana Period because the King’s Court and center of religion was removed from Karnak to a place equidistant between that great city of Amon, the Lord and Giver of Life and Heliopolis, near Cairo the even more ancient center of the worship of Ra.

The King’s new religion, the worship of the Aton, was more akin to the solar cult of Ra but it was in many ways different. The king ultimately forbade the worship of God in any other form and closed down the other temples in Egypt that were not dedicated to the Aton.


What exactly was the Aton?

…and  what made the King so dramatically change the religion of his empire as a result of him ‘seeing the light’ is open to conjecture and is one of the greatest mysteries of Egypt’s history? It was not quite the same thing as Henry VIII wanting an annulment of his marriage to Catherine of Aragon and forming his own Church in order to achieve his end.

Akenaton’s spiritual metamorphosis from Amenophis IV, as he was known upon ascending the divine throne of Horus to Akenaton, was a process of religious and spiritual upheaval within himself. It was as if he, like St. Paul, had seen a blinding vision which changed his life and caused him to impose the true religion of the worship of the Aton upon his people.


The King spent the rest of his life in his pleasure palace and worshipping at the great temple of the Aton at Armana. He ordered all the court artists to depict everything in a more realistic form and it is this one thing that has led to so much speculation about the form of the king for he is depicted as having female hips and breasts and yet he was certainly all male for he sired no fewer than six daughters and it is not beyond the realms of possibility that Tutankhamun was his son!

What was the Aton? It was the life giving force behind the solar disc. It was represented by rays emanating from the solar disc, terminating in benevolent hands holding an ankh, the sandal strap which is the hieroglyph for life. Even today, the Coptic Church uses this as a form of the cross, which in real terms is a statement that Christ, through His death on the cross, has given us life eternal!


Who was Akhenaton?

This is the ultimate question, for his depiction with female hips and breasts is accompanied by another very strange feature. He and his children, all have a very much elongated skull and a very strangely shaped face with slanting, almost slit eyes and thick lips. So many first hand encounters with alien crafts report the beings as having many of the features of Akhenaton! Could he have been a genetic throw back to the race of Osiris?

Unfortunately, the mummy of Akhenaton does not exist. If it did, then we would be able to examine his skull and also his genetic composition. The skull of Tutankhamun is in the Cairo Museum, and its protrusion at the back is somewhat large!


Smenkhare and Tutankhamun

were two very special Pharaohs.  They were possibly brothers or at the very least half brothers and together they mark the transition from and end of the Armana period. However, they both pose a mystery almost as great as that of Akhenaton. There is much physical evidence that pieces together a good mystery regarding Tutankhamun, including his actual body which to any detective is an essential element in the equation.. As for Smenkhare we have a body and a tomb but very little else!


The young Smenkhare

…was the Co-regent of Akenaton after the disappearance of Nefertiti but he reigned for only a few months after the ‘departure’ of his predecessor. He was succeeded by the nine year old Tut-ankh-ATON who was more than likely a very close blood relative, possibly his brother, or at least half brother. Influenced by the high priest Aye to change his name to Tut-ankh-AMON, he brought into effect the restoration of the old worship.

The mystery of Smenkhare is so bizarre that in reality it is perhaps the most horrible thing that could ever happen to an Ancient Egyptian. He was buried in a tomb without any inscriptions. Even his face was defaced and the cartouches on the mummy form coffin were removed. This meant that he was condemned to an existence for eternity in the tomb. He quite literally could not escape. Aye had ritually buried the Aton and entombed it for ever!

It was more than likely that Smenkhare was murdered by the connivance of Aye and possibly Horemhab. However, there is even greater evidence for the murder of Tutankhamun by Aye, for he stole the young boy king’s tomb and forced his young widow to marry him so he could ascend the throne.


The reason for Tutankhamun's murder

… was that according to the evidence of his new throne which bore the sacred image of the Aton, he was reverting back to the worship of the Aton. As he reached adolescence he wanted to be free of the restraints placed upon him by the ageing Aye. He perhaps longed for the beauty and freedom of Armana where he undoubtedly spent his infancy and boyhood. That must have been paradise compared with the stuffy pomp of Thebes with the priests of Karnak wanting to rule the country through him in the name of Amon.

Tutankhamun was given a reasonably lavish burial in a hurriedly made vault in the Valley of the Kings. Howard Carter only found it because its entrance was used as a dumping ground for rubble during the construction of the nearby tomb for Horemhab who succeeded Aye after his short reign of 4 years.

What we must note is that very many of the artifacts found in the tomb of the boy king are in fact items belonging to his brother, Smenkhare. Compare the faces on the two coffin lids, they are totally different. The second, more elaborate one bears the features of Smenkhare whilst the solid gold coffin bears the likeness of its occupier Tutankhamun!

This would have been the work of the cunning Aye, not wanting to waste anything from the despoiled tomb of Smenkhare. He simply had the cartouches changed for the new recipient. A simple deception that ensured nothing went to waste, especially as very few people would ever see the middle of the three coffins, so as long as the solid gold innermost and the outermost coffins bore the real likeness then none would be any the wiser.

What a sad end for the two brothers, especially for the hardly known Smenkhare.



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